[D7827E], Letter from Howard Schuyler, October 4th, 1878


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[D7827E], Letter from Howard Schuyler, October 4th, 1878

Editor's Notes

circular letter to Secy Mining Cos by electric pen: Mr. Thomas A. Edison of New Jersey has begun some scientific inquiry and experiments with a view of devising means for effectively and economically reducing the temperature in the deep workings of mines. [par] He seems satisfied that he can accomplish this far enough to make it possiblefor men to work easily through an eight or ten hour shift. [par] To assist him in this, he has requested me to get as much informaiton as possible regarding the present thermal condition of the principal mines on the Comstock lode, and the effectiveness of the means now in use for ventilating and reducing temperature. [par] Believing that in view of Mr. Edison's well known reputation as an inventor, and the importance of the result likely to be obtained, you will readily furnish the informaiton he wishes. I enclose a blank to be filled out with such information as you may have or can easily obtain and returned to me to be forwarded to him, or if you prefer, it may be sent directly to him, addressed, Mr. Thomas A. Edison, Menlo Park, New Jersey. [par] I trust that you will add any information likely to be of use to Mr. Edison, and at as early date as possible forward. [a copy of the form is on the following page and could be used as an illustration]




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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