[D8226ZBA], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, August 9th, 1882


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[D8226ZBA], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, August 9th, 1882

Editor's Notes

Boston Daily Herald has ordered a plant of 2 Z dynamos and 10cp lamps. Asks TAE's opinion on 10cp lamps; TAE gives long marginal reply. Sawyer-Mann decision: "The story as you told it to me was that the Commissioner of Patents had originally decided the case against us, but that your informant had a private talk with him and induced him to change his decision. Also that the Commissioner had received certain affidavits (which had helped him to decide against us) after the case was closed. As thit story if true would indicate that the Commissioner of Patents is unfit for his place and would be a most dangerous man to act as judge, I have taken the trouble to investigate the story." Eaton says TAE's story is wrong. Encloses memo fr Fabbri abt our Mexico business. Please take care of European a/c; Banker getting impatient. Encloses copy of proposed contract for Cincinnati; and memo for Canada project. The 15 light machines are wkg well in Chile. Progress on wiring bldgs. Stager's company thinks they shld do the iso business in 3 states and want to form separate company for it. "These multiplied organizations makes the whole thing cumbersom. But is there any help for it unless we consolidate the isolated company with the parent Co." Encloses rprt fr Dyer wrt Field interference; testimony to be taken in San Francisco in Sept. and both Siemens and Field attys will be there. Shld we send someone out there? TAE: "get an attorney there & have him look out for us sending him all testimony on case" Canadian patent extensions for lamp patent and system patent. Got extension on lamp patent but not on system patent b/c model never filed. Bulletin continues to be a success; NY State Library wants it. Work on SS Pilgrim. Fabbri looking into Freeman matter. William Anderson of Bd of Underwriters wants to know when you will be running a big dynamo at central station; wants to see it along with some other insurance people. Encloses Clarke's memo on coal consumption; can I print in Bulletin? Cost and circulation figures for Bulletin.




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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