[D8239D], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Thomas Alva Edison, January 8th, 1882


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[D8239D], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Thomas Alva Edison, January 8th, 1882

Editor's Notes

Suppose you've seen this test of Batch's but sending you copies. "Its not a very exhaustive treatment of the matter but it serves its purpose in showing that at least it could be done to compete with gas at the sellingn price. My tests will be more complete because everything will be taken into account." Enclose copy of Thomson letter just rcd [D8239E] Replied that I do want side-by-side comparison with Siemens. Will go to Glasgow in day or two. This Siemens is only one to compete against & if I can show ours is cheaper to run our 150 [pound] machine for a year than their 90 [pound] then I can sell at 150 but no more, unless you make get more favorable results by substituting bar armature. Send me a bar armature! Will get Thomson to test it in London. Also want a motor for Crystal Palace. Also meters; any improvements on what I have? I hear nothing from you about new dynamos, even in response to cables, so suppose they don't work but let me know. Have A dynamo running at Hyward Tyler & Co (engineers) for light, which I could show. Problem regulating gas engines. Your dynamo price must come down to make profit; can you do it? Have several parties waiting on Thomson's report and for me to fix price, so want more machines: 12 for Crystal Palace. B machines no good--people want more light--"the atmosphere is so heavy that it takes more light at one point than it does in NY." Agreed to take some of Gouraud's 20 dynamos, then realized it was blunder. Expect Oriental payment this week.




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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