[D8316AOB2], Letter from Samuel Insull to William Symes Andrews, August 15th, 1883


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[D8316AOB2], Letter from Samuel Insull to William Symes Andrews, August 15th, 1883

Editor's Notes

Sunbury: see Marr to arrange payment for engineer and meterman after first month after which should be paid by Sunbury, "set of books to be started for keeping the records of the station", ask him if he wants "books best adapted for the work"##Shamokin: ship back dynamo changing switches and send sketches for alteration; Rich will be there Friday, should go on with work, use old switches "as at Sunbury, with the exception of the dynamo changing switches, two of which we will have made into a double dynamo changin switch, as soon as you return them to us with the working drawings. There are some switches for switching out the field, which you can use as the third switch with the other two feeder switches, just as you have done at Sunbury. There are also two house changing switches at Shamokin, there you can use for the same purpose that you have used the old house changing switches at Sunbury."; TAE thinks cheaper mand than Kirby can be found as assistant, "I do not think that we ought to have to pay his expenses."; asks why Conant cant help fix station as Doubleday is busy in Louisville, "inasmuch as Mr. Conant has practically nothing to do, if you could make use of him it would be much better for us"; see Johnson to go over his lines, "when he is gone it will be difficult to get things fixed"




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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