[D8325Q], Letter from Spencer Borden to Thomas Alva Edison, April 11th, 1883


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[D8325Q], Letter from Spencer Borden to Thomas Alva Edison, April 11th, 1883

Editor's Notes

Encloses letter from Hutchinson "on a subject we talked about last time I was in New York. I send it to you knowing your feelings in the matter. This isn't right. Two L maciunes only sell for $4000, they will run 325 lights easily, and the public can see that the new machine doesn't cost twice the price of an L to make. A K and a Z only amounts to $4200, and the new machine costs but little more than the old K." Thinks improvements in machines and reductions in price should be both passed on to public and to Iso Co. "It is awfully short-sighted policy to square all that can be gotten out of the public, and more money can be made on the new machines at $3500 than at $4000. If my advice has any influence you will insist that your former correct views prevail, and no illustrated or other catalogue notice of the new machine at a higher price than $3500. Stick to your text! You are right!"





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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