[D8370ZBS], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas Alva Edison, August 17th, 1883


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[D8370ZBS], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas Alva Edison, August 17th, 1883

Editor's Notes

Th e E.L. Co. and the Brush Swan Co have been sued on the same five patents of Sawyer-Man Companies. Knight has be examining witht the state of the art for a month on behalf of the Brush-Swam people. Freeman has been making an exu[--?] for the NS.CO, but has obtained all of his information from Knight. Knight and have pooled our information and hence mu work will be much more effective. (letter continues on part of the following letter ) than they other wise would. It looks like we had good refences for all the claims which are iin terms infringed by the Edison Co's. Major Wilbur in his reports on the S& M patents says that in 1864 Hoffman & Buff depositied carboin from carbona-[ceous] ? Material by electric incandesence. He undoubtly obtained that information from you. Please write where I can a record of of Hoffmans & Buff's experiments. Let me know immediatley if possible. I have written Major Eaton suggesting conversation on the part of an arsenal for cos interested in these suits




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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