[D8534T], Letter from Willis N Stewart to Thomas Alva Edison, October 30th, 1885


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[D8534T], Letter from Willis N Stewart to Thomas Alva Edison, October 30th, 1885

Editor's Notes

[Marked "Personal"] Arriving here after a voyage of 35 days, including 4 in Panama and 3 in Lima, I find everything in very satisfactory shape. Grace receives me kindly and has cabled his acceptance of the contract. A long ad will appear in the daily papers in relation to the business. In Santiago, things are in a very unsatisfactory state, and Grace is particularly anxious that you may see your way clear to pay us a brief visit in January or February and examine the situation for yourself. He assures me that if you can make the electrical work for the proposed water-power plan for $125,000, more or less, and guarantee its success, that the money can be had in a day, and that he will arrange everything. ##[Describes passage through the Andes, how long it takes this time of year, and what TAE and his companions would see, as well as recommending when TAE should come, asking that he informs him when he is, tells him what to bring, etc.: "These articles, no tendency to sea-sickness and a cheerful disposition to enjoy yourselves will make a trip which will be healthy, restful, and pleasant." Likely in relation to TAE's potential honeymoon (see Doc D8534U).] ##"Business is looking well here and several orders are assured."





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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