[D8627ZAF], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John Canfield Tomlinson, October 28th, 1886


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[D8627ZAF], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John Canfield Tomlinson, October 28th, 1886

Editor's Notes

[Enclosure to D8627ZAD] [Memo that appears to be in TAE's handwriting. Also TAE Marg. at top of letter: "Hurry this up"]. Draw up a contract between the Machine Works and Charles T Porter covering following points. [Lists 8 points he wants covered, abridged here: Porter has an engine with patents or applications, wanted to enter contract with Machine Works to manufacture[?] it, Porter will inspect the manufacture and give full instructions in the preparation of drawings, Porter will give Machine Works license to manufacture and sell the engine during the life of the patents, Porter gets 5% of selling price in return, Porter also receives salary of $2500 per year while engaged at Machine Works preparing drawings and testing and inspecting engines and he agrees to remain at Machine Works until all standard sizes have been made and tested, but can leave in three years. Finally, engine is to be made according to Porter's instructions and ideas only, and Machine Works agrees that if first model engine is satisfactory, to immediately being making a full set of standard sizes and push the business. Added as Postcript to 8: Porter, in addition to the $2400, is to be allowed to draw the first year $1500 extra which shall be charged against his future royalties.]




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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