[D8748AAH], Letter from Thomas Bernardr Connery to Thomas Alva Edison, May 21st, 1887


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[D8748AAH], Letter from Thomas Bernardr Connery to Thomas Alva Edison, May 21st, 1887

Editor's Notes

"Before I left New York over two months ago -- probably three -- I wrote you in a hurry where I supposed a letter would find you, (some where in the South) askin you if any reasonable prospect existed that the gold tailings stock would come to aught. I have never heard from you -- doubtless either because the letter never reached you or becaue you were too ill to reply. ## You will remember I took $2,500 (?) worth of the stock, giving for value ten shares of it to Mr Ed Fox. I am naturally a little curious to learn whether the thing will even amount to anything, in as much as at the time I [--------] a friend to invest also two thousand dollars in the stock. We have obth held on to it religiously, believing it would develop eventually into a profitable investment. But after years of waiting I can learn of no movement. ## I do not write to establish a claim, but because if I really could learn what to expect one way or the other, I might try to get rid of my stock. ## I hope you will favor me with an answer at your earliest convenience. I hope also that your health is entirely returned, as I have [-----] by the papers that you were not in a robust condition"





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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