[D8751AAN], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1887


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[D8751AAN], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1887

Editor's Notes

"The patent specifications and drawings were duly received, and immediately referred to Moulton, Q. C. , for revision, as it is better to spend a little money now than a good deal later on if questions of infringement arise. At Moulton's recommendation, I retained C. C. M. Hardingham, C. E., patent agent, to assist. They have promised their report by Monday, which is pretty sharp work, but Moulton is immensely interested in the thing. I cabled Dyer to consult you regarding delaying German appliction until I could make it conform to the English, and they reply leaving it to my discretion, but say not to delay more than a week, be which I assume Dyer has consulted you, and you prefer that the German and Continental patents shall be in accordance with the English, if it can be done without delay. Moulton and Hardingham have advised to-day that the English better be filed as a provisional only, so as to get 9 mos. secrecy for this filing of your specification, as they may alter it, omitting the claims. This will probably be done. I shall of course be guided by their advice, unless you direct to the contrary; so in case it should not have been already filed immediately on receipt of this, cable me either the word 'Provisional,' or 'Complete,' if you prefer the complete specification to be filed at once. They have also determined to add one claim, 'The improved recording and reproducing phonograph, constructed and operated substantially as herein before described.'




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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