[D8833ACS], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, October 18th, 1888


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[D8833ACS], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, October 18th, 1888

Editor's Notes

"Enclosed please find several notes for your endorsement ### #259 dated Oct. 19th order of Ourselves, for $5000.00 ### #260 dated Oct. 27th order of Ourselves, for $5000.000 ### 269 dated Oct. 27th, order of Ourselves, for $5000.00 should be endorsed by you personally, ### #261 dated Oct. 19th order of Con. Fruit Jar Co., for 5 months for sum of $1732.45, ### #262 dated Oct. 18th order of Whitney & Kemmerer, for Sixty days for the sum of $1067.18, ### #263 dated Oct. 23rd order of Peter Boyle for Six months, for the sum of $1111.04, ### #264 dated Oct. 20th order of Jacob Hey, for Six months for the sum of $841.50, ### # 265 dated Oct. 19th order of Berwind-White Coal Co., for three months for the sum of $549.74, ### #267 dated Oct. 19th order of J. Dixon Crucible Co., for four months for the sum of $332.61, ### #268 dated Oct. 22nd, order of Pennsylvania Crucible Co., for four months for the sum of $354.44, ### #270 dated Oct. 20th order of Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Co., for Six Months, for the sum of $795.65, ### Kindly endorse the notes and return to us." Yours truly, Francis R. Upton





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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