[D8845AGV], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, December 15th, 1888


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[D8845AGV], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, December 15th, 1888

Editor's Notes

[TAE marginalia: "Say that our new seperator is now perfected + leaves nothing further to be desired." E] "You will probably remember that I did considerable in the Ore-Milling line, and I have since devoted a little thought to it. At that time we had a good many people to see your magnetic-separator both for sea-sand ore, and crushed rock ore. For the latter purpose, however, your separator did not at that time answer, on account of the fineness of the ore, and the great quantity of dust evolved when it was put through the process. ### I have devised a separator for this class of ores, but my facilities for experimenting are very poor, and although I have the materials for a model I have never yet been able to try it. If you would like to take it up, I shall be glad to bring out to you the apparatus I have, and explain my ideas, and you could then proceed to have such experiments made as were necessary to make it complete.### I would either make a joint application for a patent, or turn the whole thing over to you if you so desired. ### If you found that the same was of any value, I presume your recommendation would induce the Ore-Milling Co. to give me some compensation therefor." Yours truly, Wm. Meadowcroft




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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