[D8848AAM], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Louise H Patterson, March 16th, 1888


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[D8848AAM], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Louise H Patterson, March 16th, 1888

Editor's Notes

"Your letter of March 1st reached me some days since and it has received my careful consideration. ### I never directly or indirectly, justified the beilef that I would combine or have anything to do with the Graphophone Company; but on the contrary, was careful from the first to refuse to even negotiate with them. ### It is a matter of the greatest regret that my name should have been used in any way as a means of selling Graphophone stock. ### It would seem to me that if the stock to which you refer was sold to you under the representation that arrangements would be made between myself and the Graphophone Company, the law might afford you some relief and it might be well for you to consult some attorney in whom you have confidence." Yours truly, Thos. A. Edison




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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