[D8855ABN], Letter from Arthur Edwin Kennelly to Charles Batchelor, August 31st, 1888


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[D8855ABN], Letter from Arthur Edwin Kennelly to Charles Batchelor, August 31st, 1888

Editor's Notes

"Mr. Edison instructed me on the 28th inst to remove the troubles that existed in Mr. Burkes local wires extending from his house to lamps on his estate. I understand that Mr. Burke has made complaints about these lamps to the Company that originally installed them, on various occasions, and I know personally that those lamps have had bad grounds in their circuits for some months. Lately two men have been here from New York to set those lamps in order but the grounds had not been removed by them. ### We localized these grounds on the afternoon from Mr. Burke's house. We gound them to be about half way between the House and Lamp posts. We cut into the trench at our first hole, right on the first ground which was at a splice. This splice had never been apparently properly insulated or covered and there was every indication of lead frizing by current there. On cutting out this splice that circuit was found to be good. ### We sunk our next hold for the remaining ground and found it within eight feet. This was also due to a bad splice, and it is in your possession. On removing it the insulation was once more restored, and that night our system was clear of ground the first time for months." I remain Dear Sir Yours very truly, A.E. Kennelly





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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