[D8949ACX], Letter from John C Raper, Wythe Lead and Zinc Mine Co to George T Lewis, December 20th, 1889


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[D8949ACX], Letter from John C Raper, Wythe Lead and Zinc Mine Co to George T Lewis, December 20th, 1889

Editor's Notes

On my return home after a few days absent I find yout valued favor of 16th enclosing letter from the laboratory of Those etc. Edison greater which I beg leave herewith to return. He also survived under separate cover samples of concentrate of salt and zinc which appear to be very good but it could be entirely too expensive a process to grind down the ore into a powder what we want is to separate the iron from the zinc in the present state rest as you found it in the sacks of samples sent without grinding it finer. ## It would hardly be worth it while to have every made of the samples and best if the Edison promises will make really as good a separation of the ores without further grinding down and the presence is not to slow and tedious it is past what we want. ## The samples of ores sent you contain say about 10% of bro hematite of iron now if the Edison process will take out say 6% of the iron ore, we think we could use it to advantage. ## We could be very much obliged if you would follow up this matter further as we are inclined to have some faith in the practicality of the Edison Process.





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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