[D8955AEK], Instructions, Metropolitan Phonograph Co, 1889


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[D8955AEK], Instructions, Metropolitan Phonograph Co, 1889

Editor's Notes

Directions for using the Phonograph Directions for using the phonograph##You have to dust off the machine and all new cylinders, and shave them off before putting them on record. To record you have to swing the recorder to the front and turn the small lever towards you lower the carriage down. Place the speaking tube into position, adjust the recording needle, and talk in a ordinary tone, holding the mouth piece two incehes from the mouth. After resording turn up the front bar remove the tube, brush off the wax. To reproduce you have to swing the reproducer to the front remove the tube and do the same set up as if you were recording, and attach the reproducer tube and allow the ear pieces to rest of their own weight in the ears then lower the bar. Should the reproduction not be distinct, a slight turn of the large headed screw at the top of the carriage will improve it. The speed is regulated by the large flat headed screw. And when the phonograph is not in use raise the top of the battery to the highest notch. When the battery has not sufficent strength left to run the machine up to speed, pour out the solution and refill with new solution to the mark on the glass jar. And always keep the machine clean and well oiled.
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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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