[D8964ABV], Letter from Albert Blake Dick to Thomas Alva Edison, June 25th, 1889


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[D8964ABV], Letter from Albert Blake Dick to Thomas Alva Edison, June 25th, 1889

Editor's Notes

[from Antwerp] "I cabled you as follows: 'Paris, Nunberg, Sonnebert, Vienna, Berlin reported. Bulk European trade. Do you advise immediate return to canvas matters thoroughly before you sail. Would return again. Large business possible in musical and speaking Toy Phonos besides dolls as written.' and have received the following reply, thro Mr Dyer: 'Tell Dick to meet Tate in London about July tenth, Hotel Metropole.' In accordance with y our instructions I will be in London on the date mentioned, and advise with Mr. Tate. I feel confident that I have the doll business of the Continent well in hand, and am eager to hear from you regarding the modifications suggested in my several letters. ## If the trade is to be worked in this country I think it advisable to push it at as early a date as possible. If the Doll Phonos can be changed in their construction so as to reduce the size and to be made a little stronger or more substantial, without much delay, we may be able to get them on the market for Holiday trade, altho it is doubtful. ## Musical and ordinary speaking Toy phonos put up in handsome wooden cases will sell very fairly particularly in Paris during the Exposition, and as before written, your present style of Toy could be sold in that way, if you are already making them after the pattern which I have with me. I have seen the Factory which Mr Dyer cabled you about, and consider it will be adapted to the purposes of assembling and manufacturing the Phonos. ## Hoping to hear further from y ou through Mr. Tate, I am"




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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