[D9235AAG], Letter from Samuel G Burn, Theodore Lehmann to Thomas Alva Edison, October 3rd, 1892


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[D9235AAG], Letter from Samuel G Burn, Theodore Lehmann to Thomas Alva Edison, October 3rd, 1892




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University


Receive Oct 4 1892
Ans’d Oct 4th 1892
North Troy Vermont
North Troy Vermont
Oct 3rd 1892
Thomas A. Edison Esq.
Orange New Jersey
[TAE Marginalia] Write + say that I want to go to Maine + will send them some printed matter
Dear Sir,
We have surveyed and sampled the cntinuations of the Gardiner Mountain belt into Vermont including the township of Waterford; Caledonia County, Concord & Lunenburg in Essex County which latter township is its limit.
The hill was divided into three parts owing to its great width and cross lines were run with the compass, about ½ mile apart, across the bell and samples taken from outcrops whenever possible.
The prospects worth of the river are very poor. The magnetic attraction could be detected, not was any pyrrhotite found except on lines not north of and close to the river. There a small body of pyrrhotite pyrrhotite found except on lines not north of and close to the river. There a small body of pyrrhotite is found in seams disseminated through the Talesse Schist over a width of 4 feet and length 25 feet. Attraction of from 1 to 5° was observed over the same width and length.
1857 A is a specimen sample of the ore, and 1857 is an average of the ore.
At + line no 6 some copper was found disseminated through the talcose over a very small distance
On + line no 9 east of concord corners is the Essex Mine where work has been carried on for copper; although the rock is heavily stained over a width of 15 feet + a length of 200, only a limited amount of copper is found. Besides these places nothing of value was found in either township. In Lunenburg and the Northern part of Concord the rock is altogether barren of minerals so far as we could see, nor could we find any attraction whatever; for this reason we did not think it necessary to collect any samples in Lunenburg.
After finishing the survey of this talcose belt on the Et side, we determined to sample one more line across the northern portion of Gardiner Mountain when the outcrops are most numerous, taking one sample every 25 feet for a distance of 900 feet across the strike. We send a sketch showing position of this line and no of the samples; also a tracing of the talcose belt on Wt side showing position of + lines + their samples.
We at once proceeded to North Troy Vermont from which place w shall examine the property of E.P. Wright whose letter you referred to us some time ago.
We shall also examine the chromite sections of North Troy, Copper & Pyrrhotite sections of Memphmagoy[?] + Sutton near the Vermont line.
This will occupy the present week.
Will you please advise us whether you wish us after finishing this to take up the survey of the Central Talcose-bellagain until the arrival of said; or to return to the Laboratory?
We are most respectfully yours
S.G. Burn and TheodoreLehmann
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