[LB016277], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Shamokin), William H Douty, May 9th, 1883


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[LB016277], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Shamokin), William H Douty, May 9th, 1883

Editor's Notes

Referring to the part of the Electric Light Installation to be done by your Company, I beg to report as follows:##POLES.##The following poles will be required:##35 - 45 ft. long 8 in. at top 16 in. butt.##50 - 35 ft. long 7 2 in. at top 14 in. butt.##44 - 40 ft. long 7 in. at top 12 in. butt.##Poles will have to be 30 ft. apart and the holes for same of the following depth:##45 ft. poles - 7 ft. holes.##40 ft. poles 6 ft. holes.##35 ft. poles 5 ft. holes##FOUNDATION FOR ENGINES.##I enclose you herewith plan of the foundation for the engines, we figures on stone caps for these foundations but I find that some of our people use cast iron caps which I think are better and cheaper than stone. Cast iron caps weigh 690 lbs. and cost 3 1/3 cts. per lb. You can probably get them cheaper from the people who do our foundry work, as they have our patterns, than at Shamokin.##STACK.##I enclose you sketch for your guidance in erecting the stack. This will be somewhat modified by your proposisition to use old boilers for the stock.##STEAM PIPING.##I enclose specification of piping. In the ground plan of the building, you will notice that some of the steam piping is figured both in black and white figures. In such cases please go by the black figures.##BUILDING.##As arranged with you I have shortened up the central station building as per black lines on plan enclosed so that it will only have to be 86' 9" instead of 124' 9" as originally planned. I shall be glad to hear from you as to which lot you have secured and how soon you expect to have the building up so as to guide me in ordering my material. The building should be at least 18 ft. high to the eaves and good light should be provided for the engine and boiler room. The flooring underneath where the dynamo machines stand should be extra strong so as to carry the machines.##BOILERS.##I have seen Messrs. Babcock & Wilcox and they inform me that you can set the boiler under the supervision of their man. Please notify me when you will be ready to put up the boilers, so that I may have them at Shamokin on time.##I trust that your part of the work will be hurried forward as much as possible as I am very desirous that the Shamokin plant should be started at the earliest possible date.





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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