[LB017028], Letter from Samuel Insull to Joshua Franklin Bailey, Societe Electrique Edison, June 1st, 1883


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[LB017028], Letter from Samuel Insull to Joshua Franklin Bailey, Societe Electrique Edison, June 1st, 1883

Editor's Notes

You may remember some time ago Mr Edison wrote you with reference to having the Italian patent law so fixed as to make the present patents long term patents [on] [the] list of the decision in the Austrian Patent office. Cannot you give this matter your attention and have it fixed up as early as possible. I have had the Canadian patent law fixed and the decision of the [Australian] Patent office case was all we desired in that Country. You wrote Mr Edison that you would look into the Italian matter and he is very anxious that you should do so.##What we want is that a decision should be given in the Italian patent office declaring that the patents are issued for a long term and that the payments are simply on account and not that the payments enable one to get a reissue or extension of the patents,.##Mr Edison is of the opinion that the Danish law also requires fixing: will you please find out and see what you can do in this connection.##This matter is of the greatest importance to us as as soon as it is settled we shall commence suit here all along the line against our opponents which means undoubted reaction possibly to you people in Europe




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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