[LB023191], Letter from Samuel Insull to Winslow Lanier & Co, January 13th, 1887


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[LB023191], Letter from Samuel Insull to Winslow Lanier & Co, January 13th, 1887

Editor's Notes

Will you very kindly cable to your Mr. E.D. Adams, who I understand is new in Europe asking if he will so far oblige Mr. Edison as to inquire of his (Mr. Adam's) friends in London, who are interested in Telephone matters, if they know of any movement taking place in the shares of the Edison-Gower-Bell Telephone Co. of Europe. Mr. Ediosn has had an offer for a block of this stock stack and he cannot imagine that anyone wants to purchase it except Mr. Adams' friends who bout the Oriental Telephone stock. The offer, however, comes from outside parties. If as Mr. Edison believes, it emanates from Mr. Adams' friends he would prefer to deal with them directly. ## Your kind action in this matter will augment the obiligation we are under to you for favors in the past. ## I will be happy to reimburse you for any expense attendant upon cabling.




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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