[LB025401], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Osgood S Wiley, October 29th, 1888


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[LB025401], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Osgood S Wiley, October 29th, 1888

Editor's Notes

Dear Sir:- Referring to your favor of 12th instant, I beg to remind you that you were sent over to show the Ore Milling progress to Mr. Dredge and his friends, and not with the object of making any public exhibition that would call forth newspaper comment. It would be entirely against my wishes and very detrimental to my interests were the exhibition to occur at the Crystal Palace. It should not by any means be looked upon as a public affair. I have no wish for the public to see the apparatus or the newspapers to comment upon it. My desire is that Mr. Dredge and his friends should examine into the process. I do not understand your remark about having arranged with Col. Gouraud for the exhibition at the Crystal Palace. I presume from the fact that Col. Gouraud has charge of my phonograph interests in England that you have probably assumed he has also some connection with the Ore Milling. If such is the case, you are entirely in error. The subject for which you were sent to Europe is to make the exhibition to Mr. Dredge and his friends, and for no other purpose whatever. [also see TAE to Dredge LB025400 881029]





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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