[LB029332], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Sherburne Blake Eaton, May 8th, 1889


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[LB029332], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Sherburne Blake Eaton, May 8th, 1889

Editor's Notes

"I am in receipt of a letter, under date 6th instant from Mr. Insull, enclosing a communication from yourself addressed to Mr. Edison, relative to Col. Gouraud's phonograph contracts. ### In the draft of letter which you suggest Mr. Edison should send to Col. Gouraud, you mentions two contracts [unclear] Mr. Edison has only one contract with Gouraud for exploiting the phonograph, which applies to all of his territory. There were two contracts drawn up, at Gouraud's request, one of which applied to Great Britain and Ireland, and the other to the balance of his territory. These latter, however, were never executed, and reference should not, therefore, be made to them in the proposed communication from Mr. Edison. ### I cabled Gouraud yesterday, as outlined in your letter, and if you will send me another draft of letter, conforming to the above facts, I will submit it to Mr. Edison, and if he approves of same, have him sign it, when I will mail it to Gouraud with all possible dispatch." Yours very truly, A.O. Tate




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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