[LB030285], Instructions, Edison Phonograph Co, June 11th, 1889


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[LB030285], Instructions, Edison Phonograph Co, June 11th, 1889

Editor's Notes

INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATING NEW ADJUSTMENT ON PHONOGRAPH. ### Stop the machine by pulling out the plug; put the spectacle at the extreme left end of the cylinder; let the spectacle down easily by the rubber handle; take the hand off the handle and put the index finger on the top of the little bolt near the handle, whose end rests on the straight edge; and with the thumb press the little wire which protrudes at right angles to thing bolt to the left. The very alightest touch will make it [unclear] and lock the spectacle in position. Start the machine and the spectacle [unclear]. You will notice that on the side of the spactacle, there is a little pendulum, with a little screw on the end of it. This is the determining stop. The bottom of the pendulum (or of the [unclear]) forms part of a circle of which the fulcrum is the centre. The bottom of this screw which rests upon the cylinder when the spectacle is let down, and determines the position of the latter, has a much wider circumference than the rider which performs the same service on the old machine. The [unclear] some times to [unclear] the record when the operator might forget to throw [unclear] backward and [unclear] the [unclear] from the cylinder. With [unclear device, as soon as the machine starts, the [unclear] is [unclear] rides lightly in its suspended position either [unclear] the record. We call this screw the [unclear] [scan is very difficult to make out—leave for editors]
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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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