[LB039255], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Lamp Co, Francis Robbins Upton, April 2nd, 1890


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[LB039255], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Lamp Co, Francis Robbins Upton, April 2nd, 1890




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University


April 2, 1890
Francis R. Upton, Esq., Gen'l Manager
Edison Lamp Company,
Harrison, N.J.
Dear Sir:-
Referring to telephone conversation of today between the Lamp Co, and the Laboratory, concerning six Mercury Pumps which were to have been sent to the Duke of Marlborogh. I was very much disappointed to learn that these had not gone forward. Mr. Edison promised to send to the Duke, six Mercury Pumps, and I arranged with yourself to have the same forwarded to him, at London, early in February last. You advised me by telephone that the pumps would be shipped from the Lamp Company on the 13th February, on the strength of which assurance I addressed a letter to Mr. R.L. Cutting, on the 12th February, telling him that the pumps in question would go forward the next day, asking him to communicate the fact to the Duke. The Dutchess of Marlborough, who is now in America, has instructed Mr. Cutting of the nonreceipt of the pumps, and I would ask you now to send it forward, by first steamer, sic (6) Mercury Pumps, [remainder of document illegible]
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