[LB056545], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Alexander Elliott, Jr., May 25th, 1892


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[LB056545], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Alexander Elliott, Jr., May 25th, 1892




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University


May 25, 1892.
Alexander Elliott, Jr., Esq.,
Paterson, N.J.
Dear Sir:-
Mr. Edison has read your letter of 23rd instant in regard to the Scrub Oaks property and notes what you say relative to Mr. Bierwirth’s mill etc. In reply he directs me to say to you that what he particularly desires is to get control of the Scrub Oak vein, and that he really does not care about the mill; that if you can possibly get a lease of the vein, without touching the mill, at a reasonable figure, that would serve his purpose best. Mr. Edison says further that he does not fear the opposition of the mill at all and does not want to make a deal concerning it.
The copy of your letter to his collar, referred it in your communication now under reply, was coming from the latter. It came to land this morning, however, together with the, Mollarit response, and both will be submitted to Mr. Edison.
The [illegible] confirms the conversation which you had with Mr. Magure at the Laboratory this morning
Yours truly,
Private Sec’y.
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