[LM001105A], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Joshua Franklin Bailey, September 23rd, 1881


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[LM001105A], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Joshua Franklin Bailey, September 23rd, 1881

Editor's Notes

Falsetto has made proposition which I find is unsatisfactory. Following will beat it. Form syndicate raise three hundred thousand dollars to establish factories immediately upon success large dynamo. Then upon success New York station to raise seven hundred thousand dollars more for increasing facctories, of first and second sums our company shall receive fifty one hundredths of fully paid shares of manufacturing company out of which they agree pay Edison and Batchelor for unpatented improvements and cooperation factories here in cheapening manufacturing. The syndicate to aid in financining companies throughout Europe The present European company giving them one fifth proceeds Profits of isolated business to be divided equally between manufacturing and present European Companies The syndicate shall from time to time and until profits come in advance such sume as shall be mutually agreed for litigation, the press and miscellaneous expenses which shall be repaid by syndicate out of first profits with six per cent interest. Consult Batchelor.




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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