[LM004001], Letter from Samuel Insull to Joseph Insull, May 13th, 1886


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[LM004001], Letter from Samuel Insull to Joseph Insull, May 13th, 1886

Editor's Notes

Received your telegram last night saying you're being sued; sent you a draft for $300, which I had to borrow since I'm short; let me know all of the financial details--your liabilities and assets and all the details of the farm; I'm not sure the farm will be a success and doubt the wisdom of sinking more money into it; when I send you money, I worry about getting it back; I hoped we could develop a good property so that I would have a living to fall back on if anything happened in the future###You must have some spare time, couldn't you take a job as an agent for a grain house or machinery house in Montreal, Toronto, Chicago, or New York, along with your farm work?; what have you done about the Regina land; have you turned it into Virden lots?###Can get you a good dog; what kind would you like?###Might go to Europe on business this summer; if so, can't go to Virden St.###How're Edith and the children; wish you were nearer so I could see the children; I'm very fond of kids, but don't think I will get married and have any soon; bachelor life is very lonely; I envy your family life out on the prairie###Had a crayon of myself done and sent it to Match [?]; will send you a photo of it###Write me a long letter; after three years out there, the farm ought to show something.






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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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