[LM241644], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Orville Benson, November 23rd, 1900


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[LM241644], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Orville Benson, November 23rd, 1900





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University


November 23rd, 1900
Mr. Orville Benson, Manager,
Edison, N.J.
Dear Sir:-
We herewith return you a daily memorandum for work done at Edison November 20th. You show 79 men, work 795 hours. Will you kindly, hereafter when making these reports, show a recapitulation on same as outlined by us at the lower right side of report. This gives the total number of hours chargeable to the different departments, and the total of these sub-divisions should agree with the total as per your sheet.
We also enclose you several reports upon which we note errors of the total number of hours, and we would ask that you either make corrected reports or change these accordingly.
We also enclose your daily report of labor for the 14th and 15th inst. On the former, you say 799 hours; wheras we make it 784 hours. On the latter report you say 765 hours; we make it 768 hours. Will you kindly note these corrections and return reports to us with your remarks.
Yours truly,
W.S. Mallory V.P.
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