[NM020ABR], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1886


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[NM020ABR], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1886

Editor's Notes

"Seeley In the future some Westinghouse & Byllsby make seek to evade the converter patent by running a dynamo by a motor now if they do it by a belt, They might evade the patents as I understand Gordon suggested it in 1879-- Now I want to cover the only practicable way to do it & in addition connect it to our 3 wire system & so combine it that I can cover it through combination with other essential features in any system such as feeders, etc-- I send you sketch [not here do we have it?], but you must making drawing shewing a distributing system feeders, feeders Regs-- pressure wires-- The advantages of this system is that one system can be absolutely insulated from the other-- an insulating joint between the two machines-- also the pressure in the low line cn be regulated by varying its field magnet which is not the case in Revolving Converters. 3rd claim Direct connection from shaft to shaft of Motor & dynamo Work this up-- TAE"




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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