Relation is exactly
Bessemer, Henry
[CJ401AAA], Incorporation Record, Edison Ore Milling Syndicate Ltd, June 20th, 1898 1898-06-20
[CJ405AAT], Letter from George Ainsworth to Herman Ernest Dick, June 30th, 1902 1902-06-30
[D7802ZCQ], Letter from Theodore Puskas to Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1878 1878-03-05
[D9820AAH], Letter from Herman Ernest Dick to Thomas Alva Edison, March 11th, 1898 1898-03-11
[D9820AAK], Letter from Herman Ernest Dick to Thomas Alva Edison, March 18th, 1898 1898-03-18
[LB048459], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Cambria Steel Co, James J Fronheiser, April 11th, 1891 1891-04-11
[LB048473], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Pennsylvania Steel Co, Jessie Benton Fremont, April 13th, 1891 1891-04-13
[MBSB8A3127], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 2nd, 1893 1893-02-02
[SC97061A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, December 26th, 1897 1897-12-26