Relation is exactly
Bliss, George Harrison
[D7802ZYO1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Theodore Puskas, September 10th, 1878 1878-09-10
[D7702ZCR], Letter from Joseph Thomas Murray to Thomas Alva Edison, October 23rd, 1877 1877-10-23
[D7711ZAF], Letter from Lorenzo Stow to Thomas Alva Edison, September 26th, 1877 1877-09-26
[D7711ZAH], Letter from John Robert Breckon to Western Electric Co, September 27th, 1877 1877-09-27
[D7719ZAI], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, August 16th, 1877 1877-08-16
[D7719ZCI], Telegram from George Bartlett Prescott to Thomas Alva Edison, September 24th, 1877 1877-09-24
[D7719ZED], Letter from Enos M Barton to Thomas Alva Edison, December 31st, 1877 1877-12-31
[D7802U], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1878 1878-01-26
[D7802ZAJ], Letter from James U MacKenzie to Thomas Alva Edison, February 6th, 1878 1878-02-06
[D7802ZES], Letter from Frederick W Jones, American Electrical Society to Thomas Alva Edison, March 26th, 1878 1878-03-26
[D7802ZET], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Frederick W Jones, March 26th, 1878 1878-03-26
[D7802ZFU], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Orin J Waddell, April 1st, 1878 1878-04-01
[D7802ZFW], Letter from Charles Hamilton Haskins to Thomas Alva Edison, April 2nd, 1878 1878-04-02
[D7802ZLW], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to George E Carman, May 17th, 1878 1878-05-17
[D7802ZSE], Letter from Norman C Miller to Thomas Alva Edison, July 11th, 1878 1878-07-11
[D7802ZTL], Letter from James Adams to Charles Batchelor, July 22nd, 1878 1878-07-22
[D7802ZZPE], Telegram from J M Tower to Thomas Alva Edison, 1878 1878-00-00
[D7805ZBM], Letter from Charles H Davis to Thomas Alva Edison, June 5th, 1878 1878-06-05
[D7821ZBX], Letter from Cornelius Herz to Thomas Alva Edison, December 25th, 1878 1878-12-25
[D7822ZAQ], Letter from William O Cole to Thomas Alva Edison, August 22nd, 1878 1878-08-22
[D7822ZCX], Letter from Robert Gilliland to Thomas Alva Edison, December 31st, 1878 1878-12-31
[D7828U], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 28th, 1878 1878-03-28
[D7828ZCY], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, November 4th, 1878 1878-11-04
[D7828ZDH], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, November 7th, 1878 1878-11-07
[D7828ZEU], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, December 9th, 1878 1878-12-09
[D7829B], Letter from James U MacKenzie to Thomas Alva Edison, January 15th, 1878 1878-01-15
[D7832S], Agreement, Edison Speaking Phonograph Co, Thomas Alva Edison, May 13th, 1878 1878-05-13
[D7836ZCX], Letter from James U MacKenzie to Thomas Alva Edison, December 23rd, 1878 1878-12-23
[D7838ZBF], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Orton, April 16th, 1878 1878-04-16
[D7838ZDT], Letter from Benjamin B Bullwinkle to Thomas Alva Edison, August 28th, 1878 1878-08-28
[D7840ZBP], Telegram from Charles Batchelor to Thomas Alva Edison, August 15th, 1878 1878-08-15
[D7903ZCA], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, March 14th, 1879 1879-03-14
[D7903ZCK], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Western Electric Co, March 24th, 1879 1879-03-24
[D7903ZCR], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, March 27th, 1879 1879-03-27
[D7903ZCX], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, April 1st, 1879 1879-04-01
[D7903ZCY], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Uriah Hunt Painter, March 29th, 1879 1879-03-29
[D7903ZDD], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, April 10th, 1879 1879-04-10
[D7903ZDF], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, April 14th, 1879 1879-04-14
[D7903ZDH], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, April 18th, 1879 1879-04-18
[D7913J], Letter from Charles Summer Wirt to Thomas Alva Edison, February 17th, 1879 1879-02-17
[D7923U], Letter from Frank McLaughlin to Thomas Alva Edison, January 19th, 1879 1879-01-19
[D7923X], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, January 27th, 1879 1879-01-27
[D7923Z], Telegram from Cornelius Herz to Thomas Alva Edison, January 31st, 1879 1879-01-31
[D7923ZAF1], Letter from T Cleland to Thomas Alva Edison, February 10th, 1879 1879-02-10
[D7923ZAG], Letter from Cornelius Herz to Thomas Alva Edison, February 12th, 1879 1879-02-12
[D7923ZAK], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 10th, 1879 1879-03-10
[D7923ZAR], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 21st, 1879 1879-03-21
[D7923ZAT], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 25th, 1879 1879-03-25
[D7923ZAW], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 26th, 1879 1879-03-26
[D7923ZAY], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 27th, 1879 1879-03-27
[D7923ZBB], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 29th, 1879 1879-03-29
[D7923ZBG], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, April 8th, 1879 1879-04-08
[D7923ZBJ], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1879 1879-04-09
[D7923ZBN], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, April 16th, 1879 1879-04-16
[D7923ZBT], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, April 25th, 1879 1879-04-25
[D7923ZBU], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, May 8th, 1879 1879-05-08
[D7923ZBV], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, May 10th, 1879 1879-05-10
[D7923ZBY], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, July 14th, 1879 1879-07-14
[D7923ZCD], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, September 9th, 1879 1879-09-09
[D7923ZCI], Letter from Harold P Brown to Thomas Alva Edison, December 29th, 1879 1879-12-29
[D7928ZJT], Letter from W H Harrington, Electric Merchandising Co to Thomas Alva Edison, July 28th, 1879 1879-07-28
[D7929ZAB], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 7th, 1879 1879-03-07
[D7929ZAP], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 18th, 1879 1879-03-18
[D7929ZEK], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, October 6th, 1879 1879-10-06
[D7929ZEM], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, October 9th, 1879 1879-10-09
[D8004ZBW], Letter from T Cleland to Thomas Alva Edison, March 18th, 1880 1880-03-18
[D8004ZEK], Letter from T Cleland to Thomas Alva Edison, August 7th, 1880 1880-08-07
[D8034ZBM], Letter from W H Harrington to Thomas Alva Edison, April 20th, 1880 1880-04-20
[D8036ZBT], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, April 5th, 1880 1880-04-05
[D8036ZEK], Telegram from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, September 17th, 1880 1880-09-17
[D8224ZBV], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, November 3rd, 1882 1882-11-03
[D8226ZBF], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, August 15th, 1882 1882-08-15
[D8241L], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sigmund Bergmann, Edward Hibberd Johnson, July 24th, 1882 1882-07-24
[D8255M2], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, 1882 1882-00-00
[D8256ZAL], Letter from Western Electric Co to Samuel Insull, July 11th, 1882 1882-07-11
[D8244ZAB], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1882 1882-10-20
[D8316AGF], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles H Cooke, July 13th, 1883 1883-07-13
[D8316ALZ], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles H Cooke, August 4th, 1883 1883-08-04
[D8324S], Letter from Samuel Insull to Bergmann & Co, June 11th, 1883 1883-06-11
[D8327ZAC], Telegram from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, June 18th, 1883 1883-06-18
[D8334ZBL], Letter from Gustav Soldan to Thomas Alva Edison, November 22nd, 1883 1883-11-22
[D8340ZEZ], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, October 23rd, 1883 1883-10-23
[D8363A], Letter from Charles H Cooke to Samuel Insull, July 27th, 1883 1883-07-27
[D8364ZBK], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1883 1883-10-20
[D8364ZBS], Letter from Samuel Insull to Sherburne Blake Eaton, November 13th, 1883 1883-11-13
[D8364ZBV], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edward Hibberd Johnson, November 19th, 1883 1883-11-19
[D8370ZDZ] Memorandum, c. 1883 1883-00-00
[D8416ACF], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison, Edison Machine Works to Gustav Soldan, January 7th, 1884 1884-01-07
[D8416ACH], Letter from Edison Machine Works, Thomas Alva Edison to Gustav Soldan, January 7th, 1884 1884-01-07
[D8416ACO], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Bergmann & Co, January 9th, 1884 1884-01-09
[D8416ALO], Letter from Edison Machine Works, Samuel Insull to Gustav Soldan, February 10th, 1884 1884-02-10
[D8416BDU], Letter from Samuel Insull to Des Moines Edison Light Co, F E Cretterden, April 8th, 1884 1884-04-08
[D8421Y], Letter from Alfred Abernethy Cowles to Samuel Insull, August 30th, 1884 1884-08-30
[D8424E], Letter from Bergmann & Co to Thomas Alva Edison, January 8th, 1884 1884-01-08
[D8429J], Letter from Samuel Insull to Francis Robbins Upton, February 13th, 1884 1884-02-13
[D8462ZAZ], Letter from Western Edison Light Co to Thomas Alva Edison, 1884 1884-00-00
[D8503ZDH], Letter from George May Phelps, Jr. to Samuel Insull, October 14th, 1885 1885-10-14
[D8503ZEC], Letter from George May Phelps, Jr. to Samuel Insull, December 11th, 1885 1885-12-11
[D8603ZBD], Letter from George May Phelps, Jr. to Samuel Insull, May 8th, 1886 1886-05-08
[D8603ZBF], Letter from George May Phelps, Jr. to Samuel Insull, May 12th, 1886 1886-05-12