Relation is exactly
Brisbane, Arthur
[CJ007AAL], Telephone Message from Thomas Alva Edison to Fred A Phelps, Jr., March 12th, 1894 1894-03-12
[D0807AAZ], Letter from Joseph Fels to Thomas Alva Edison, April 23rd, 1908 1908-04-23
[D1047AAY], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, August 26th, 1910 1910-08-26
[E1567AA], Letter from Hartford Christian Endeavor Union, Leon A Soper to Thomas Alva Edison, February 23rd, 1915 1915-02-23
[LB059657], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Garrett Putnam Serviss, January 15th, 1898 1898-01-15
[LB105528], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to D D Murray, July 19th, 1915 1915-07-19
[MBSB8A3177], Interview, Nikola Tesla, July 22nd, 1894 1894-07-22
[MC004AAI], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alexander Elliott, Jr., October 6th, 1893 1893-10-06
[SB515003A], Clipping, New York American, May 28th, 1916 1916-05-28
[SB515021A], Clipping, Providence Tribune, June 4th, 1916 1916-06-04
[SB515035A], Clipping, Motor Age, June 8th, 1916 1916-06-08
[SB515061B], Clipping, Electrical Experimenter, August 16th, 1916 1916-08-16
[SC16023A], Clipping, Cleveland Plain Dealer, December 31st, 1916 1916-12-31
[X001B1DL], Letter from Ernest Gustav Liebold to William George Bee, August 15th, 1914 1914-08-15
[X001B2DD], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Ernest Gustav Liebold, June 30th, 1915 1915-06-30
[X001B2DH], Letter from Ernest Gustav Liebold to William Henry Meadowcroft, July 2nd, 1915 1915-07-02
[X018A3BU5], Letter from Charles Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, February 26th, 1929 1929-02-26