Relation is exactly
Burns, James Martin
[E1565NI], Letter from William Maxwell to Thomas Joseph Leonard, October 1st, 1915 1915-10-01
[E1952AD], Letter from John A Hanley to Thomas Alva Edison, February 15th, 1919 1919-02-15
[E1952AE], Letter from John A Hanley to Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1919 1919-03-05
[E1952AP], Letter from John A Hanley to Thomas Alva Edison, May 24th, 1919 1919-05-24
[E1952AV], Letter from John A Hanley to Thomas Alva Edison, August 8th, 1919 1919-08-08
[MF34AQ], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to William Strother Smith, U.S. Navy Dept, April 8th, 1918 1918-04-08
[MF18CS], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to William Henry Meadowcroft, August 24th, 1917 1917-08-24
[MF19BM], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Ludwig Fredrick Ott, September 17th, 1917 1917-09-17
[MF19BT], Letter from Bruce Robinson Silver to William Henry Meadowcroft, September 19th, 1917 1917-09-19
[MF19CA], Letter from Ensign-Bickford Co, Robert Darling to William Henry Meadowcroft, September 25th, 1917 1917-09-25
[MF19CD], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Henry Meadowcroft, September 1917 1917-09-00
[MF20AV], Telegram from William Henry Meadowcroft to Henry Augustus Altengarten, October 12th, 1917 1917-10-12
[MF20BI], Telegram from Frederick Paul Ott to William Henry Meadowcroft, October 23rd, 1917 1917-10-23
[MF20BK], Telegram from William Henry Meadowcroft to Frederick Paul Ott, October 23rd, 1917 1917-10-23
[MF22AT], Letter from Richard Wesley Kellow to Samuel C Shaffner, December 10th, 1917 1917-12-10
[MF22BB], Letter from Bruce Robinson Silver to William Henry Meadowcroft, December 12th, 1917 1917-12-12
[MF30BL], Letter from Samuel C Shaffner to Thomas Alva Edison, December 1st, 1917 1917-12-01
[MF31AH], Letter from Samuel C Shaffner to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 6th, 1918 1918-01-06
[MF31AJ], Letter from Bruce Robinson Silver to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 7th, 1918 1918-01-07
[MF31AN], Letter from Samuel C Shaffner to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 8th, 1918 1918-01-08
[MF31BX], Letter from Samuel C Shaffner to Thomas Alva Edison, January 25th, 1918 1918-01-25
[MF33AD], Letter from Samuel C Shaffner to William Henry Meadowcroft, March 3rd, 1918 1918-03-03
[MF50AU], List, Thomas Alva Edison, 1919 1919-00-00
[NA283AAA], Technical Note, John A Hanley, July 2nd, 1918 1918-07-02
[NA283AAB], Technical Note, John A Hanley, Thomas Alva Edison, July 3rd, 1918 1918-07-03
[NA283AAD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 6th, 1918 1918-07-06
[NA284AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 14th, 1918 1918-07-14
[NA284AAD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 15th, 1918 1918-07-15
[NA284AAF], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 17th, 1918 1918-07-17
[NA284AAG], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 18th, 1918 1918-07-18
[NA285004], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 20th, 1918 1918-07-20
[NA302AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 27th, 1919 1919-08-27
[NA303189], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 27th, 1919 1919-08-27
[NA338039], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 7th, 1920 1920-06-07
[NB230173A], Technical Note, John A Hanley, January 25th, 1919 1919-01-25
[NB230173B], Technical Note, John A Hanley, January 27th, 1919 1919-01-27
[NB230173D], Technical Note, John A Hanley, January 29th, 1919 1919-01-29
[NB230191], Technical Note, John A Hanley, February 14th, 1919 1919-02-14
[NB231003B], Technical Note, John A Hanley, February 26th, 1919 1919-02-26
[NB231013], Technical Note, John A Hanley, March 4th, 1919 1919-03-04
[NB231013A], Technical Note, John A Hanley, March 5th, 1919 1919-03-05
[NB231013B], Technical Note, John A Hanley, March 11th, 1919 1919-03-11
[NB231013C], Technical Note, John A Hanley, March 12th, 1919 1919-03-12
[NB231014], Technical Note, John A Hanley, March 14th, 1919 1919-03-14
[NB231014C], Technical Note, John A Hanley, March 26th, 1919 1919-03-26
[NB231023], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 14th, 1919 1919-05-14
[NB231031], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 16th, 1919 1919-05-16
[NB231039], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 20th, 1919 1919-05-20
[NB231051], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 22nd, 1919 1919-05-22
[NB231059], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 26th, 1919 1919-05-26
[NB231061], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 27th, 1919 1919-05-27
[NB231061B], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 29th, 1919 1919-05-29
[NB231071], Technical Note, John A Hanley, June 30th, 1919 1919-06-30
[NB231071A], Technical Note, John A Hanley, July 1st, 1919 1919-07-01
[NB231075C], Technical Note, John A Hanley, July 16th, 1919 1919-07-16
[NB231077B], Technical Note, John A Hanley, July 22nd, 1919 1919-07-22
[NB231087], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 4th, 1919 1919-08-04
[NB231095], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 8th, 1919 1919-08-08
[NB231123], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 9th, 1919 1919-08-09
[NB231123A], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 11th, 1919 1919-08-11
[NB231137], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 13th, 1919 1919-08-13
[NB231145], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 16th, 1919 1919-08-16
[NB231149], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 18th, 1919 1919-08-18
[NB231149A], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 19th, 1919 1919-08-19
[NB231187], Technical Note, John A Hanley, September 15th, 1919 1919-09-15
[NB232047], Technical Note, Edward Rowland Dawson, April 27th, 1917 1917-04-27
[NB227049], Technical Note, Absalom Mason Kennedy, May 23rd, 1917 1917-05-23
[NB229067], Technical Note, Absalom Mason Kennedy, October 16th, 1917 1917-10-16
[NB229105], Technical Note, Absalom Mason Kennedy, October 20th, 1917 1917-10-20
[NB229109], Technical Note, Absalom Mason Kennedy, October 23rd, 1917 1917-10-23
[NB229117], Technical Note, Absalom Mason Kennedy, October 25th, 1917 1917-10-25
[NB229169], Technical Note, Absalom Mason Kennedy, October 30th, 1917 1917-10-30
[NB230017], Technical Note, John A Hanley, May 18th, 1918 1918-05-18
[NB230119], Technical Note, John A Hanley, December 1st, 1918 1918-12-01
[NB230143], Technical Note, John A Hanley, December 6th, 1918 1918-12-06
[NB230155], Technical Note, John A Hanley, December 13th, 1918 1918-12-13
[NB230171A], Technical Note, John A Hanley, January 20th, 1919 1919-01-20
[NB234AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, Charles Thompson Dally, July 1917 1917-07-00
[NB253003], Technical Note, John A Hanley, August 28th, 1919 1919-08-28
[NP093116], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, November 10th, 1912 1912-11-10
[NP093120], List, Thomas Alva Edison, November 1912 1912-11-00
[NP093133], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, November 1912 1912-11-00
[NP101046], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1915 1915-01-26
[NP111079], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, August 1917 1917-08-00
[NP115057], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, September 23rd, 1918 1918-09-23
[NP115070], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, September 1918 1918-09-00
[NP115083], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1918 1918-10-02
[NP116001], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1918 1918-10-31
[SC17003B], Clipping, New York Tribune, February 8th, 1917 1917-02-08
[X018A3AR1], Telegram from Charles Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, September 4th, 1917 1917-09-04
[X018A8AE], Letter from Theodore Miller Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, November 1917 1917-11-00
[X018A8AJ03], Letter from Theodore Miller Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, 1918 1918-00-00
[X455FE1], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Theodore Miller Edison, August 1917 1917-08-00
[X455FH], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Theodore Miller Edison, September 27th, 1917 1917-09-27