Relation is exactly
David, Thomas B A
[D0842AAA], Letter from Central District and Printing Telegraph Co, Sergius Paul Grace to Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1908 1908-10-02
[D7719ZAH], Telegram from William Orton to Thomas Alva Edison, August 15th, 1877 1877-08-15
[LB012141], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Great Northwestern Telegraph Co (Canada), American Bell Telephone Co, April 22nd, 1882 1882-04-22
[MBN002043], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, August 10th, 1877 1877-08-10
[NV13199], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 22nd, 1877 1877-12-22
[X012KE], Letter from Thomas Augustus Watson to Theodore Newton Vail, October 19th, 1878 1878-10-19
[X012EG], Letter from Central District and Printing Telegraph Co to Philip Leffingwell Spalding, March 20th, 1911 1911-03-20