Relation is exactly
Gaumont Co
[CK901AAF], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Jeremiah Joseph Kennedy, December 29th, 1910 1910-12-29
[CK902AAB2], Letter from Motion Picture Patents Co, January 9th, 1909 1909-01-09
[CK903AAT], Letter from Frank Stroughton Noble to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, July 7th, 1913 1913-07-07
[CK904AAL], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Paul Henderson Cromelin, May 31st, 1911 1911-05-31
[CK908AAC], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, April 18th, 1908 1908-04-18
[CK908AAD], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, April 25th, 1908 1908-04-25
[CK908AAG], Telegram from Thomas Lincoln Tally to Edison Manufacturing Co, May 2nd, 1908 1908-05-02
[CK915AAB], Memorandum, George Francis Scull, February 1st, 1908 1908-02-01
[CK915AAF], Letter from George Kleine to Harry Norton Marvin, November 4th, 1908 1908-11-04
[CK915AAG], Letter from George Kleine to Biograph Co, November 7th, 1908 1908-11-07
[CK920AAD], Letter from George Kleine to George Francis Scull, August 24th, 1909 1909-08-24
[CK920AAG], Letter from George Kleine to Edison Manufacturing Co, October 27th, 1909 1909-10-27
[CK922AAG], Letter from Jacques Albert Berst to Frank Lewis Dyer, July 31st, 1908 1908-07-31
[CK924AAR], Letter from William Nicholas Selig to George Francis Scull, June 5th, 1909 1909-06-05
[CK925AAL], Letter from Thomas Graf to Frank Lewis Dyer, January 27th, 1911 1911-01-27
[CL221AAS], Letter from Isaac W Walker to Thomas Alva Edison, February 11th, 1910 1910-02-11
[CL401AAU], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Thomas Graf, January 20th, 1910 1910-01-20
[CL401AAX], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Maurice Lehmann, June 17th, 1913 1913-06-17
[D0935AAO1], Letter from John Collier to Motion Picture Patents Co, June 18th, 1909 1909-06-18
[D1028AAV], Letter from John E Woodland to Thomas Alva Edison, September 10th, 1910 1910-09-10
[D1045ACG], Letter from Thomas Graf to Frank Lewis Dyer, October 4th, 1910 1910-10-04
[D1045ACI], Letter from George Francis Scull to Thomas Graf, October 26th, 1910 1910-10-26
[D1045ACO], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Thomas Graf, November 23rd, 1910 1910-11-23
[E1280AF], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Thomas Alva Edison, March 1912 1912-03-00
[E1409AN], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 15th, 1914 1914-03-15
[E1464AS1], Minutes, Edison (Thomas A.) Inc. Kinetoscope and Kinetophone Committee, January 29th, 1914 1914-01-29
[E1464BW1], Letter from Thomas Graf to Thomas Alva Edison, April 1914 1914-04-00
[E1464CK], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, June 10th, 1914 1914-06-10
[E1464CZ], Letter from Albert Benjamin Meserlin to Thomas Alva Edison, July 30th, 1914 1914-07-30
[E1558CD], Letter from Adolph F Gall to William Henry Meadowcroft, November 22nd, 1915 1915-11-22
[HK5137AD], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft, Thomas Alva Edison to John Cruikshank, July 23rd, 1913 1913-07-23
[NP076BA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 4th, 1908 1908-02-04
[QM015AAF1], Letter from Eberhard Schneider to U.S. Patent Office. Commissioner, April 11th, 1907 1907-04-11
[QM016A024], Legal Testimony, Frank Joseph Marion, December 17th, 1904 1904-12-17
[SB503128A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 8th, 1913 1913-02-08
[SB503064A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 8th, 1913 1913-02-08
[SC13043A], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 26th, 1913 1913-02-26
[SC13087A], Clipping, New Bern Sun, June 6th, 1913 1913-06-06
[X018A3AC], Letter from Charles Edison to Thomas Alva Edison, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, February 1911 1911-02-00
[X104DB], Letter from Charles Edison to Thomas Alva Edison, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, 1909 1909-00-00