Relation is exactly
Gower, Frederick Allen
[D7802ZTL], Letter from James Adams to Charles Batchelor, July 22nd, 1878 1878-07-22
[D7840ZAJ], Letter from James Adams to Charles Batchelor, July 12th, 1878 1878-07-12
[D7903ZKA], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 28th, 1879 1879-10-28
[D7937ZBI], Letter from Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, Tracy Robinson Edson to Thomas Alva Edison, June 10th, 1879 1879-06-10
[D7940M], Letter from Theodore Puskas to Thomas Alva Edison, April 7th, 1879 1879-04-07
[D7940ZAP], Letter from Joshua Franklin Bailey to Thomas Alva Edison, July 7th, 1879 1879-07-07
[D7941V], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, April 10th, 1879 1879-04-10
[D8048F], Letter from Joshua Franklin Bailey to Thomas Alva Edison, January 14th, 1880 1880-01-14
[D8048M], Letter from Henry Harrisse to John Henry Harjes, January 19th, 1880 1880-01-19
[D8048N], Letter from Henry Harrisse to John Henry Harjes, January 26th, 1880 1880-01-26
[D8048P], Letter from Enos M Barton to Thomas Alva Edison, February 5th, 1880 1880-02-05
[D8048ZAI], Memorandum, Constant Rousseau, March 4th, 1880 1880-03-04
[D8048ZAL], Letter from Joshua Franklin Bailey to Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1880 1880-03-05
[D8048ZFM], Telegram from John Henry Harjes to Thomas Alva Edison, August 18th, 1880 1880-08-18
[D8048ZFW], Letter from Henry Harrisse to John Henry Harjes, August 9th, 1880 1880-08-09
[D8149J], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, April 7th, 1881 1881-04-07
[D8149K], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1881 1881-04-09
[D8149L], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1881 1881-04-09
[D8149ZAB], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, August 2nd, 1881 1881-08-02
[D8255E], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, January 24th, 1882 1882-01-24
[D8256E], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, February 25th, 1882 1882-02-25
[D8527P], Letter from Stapler and Wood to Edison Electric Light Co of Europe Ltd, October 8th, 1885 1885-10-08
[X012IAU], Letter from Thomas Sanders to Gardiner Greene Hubbard, April 29th, 1878 1878-04-29
[X078AR], Letter from Western Electric Co, Enos M Barton to Samuel Stockton White, August 11th, 1879 1879-08-11
[X078AY], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, October 23rd, 1879 1879-10-23
[X078AZ], Letter from Joshua Franklin Bailey to Samuel Stockton White, January 14th, 1880 1880-01-14
[X154A3AK], Report from Edison Telephone Co of London Ltd, Edward Hibberd Johnson, September 4th, 1879 1879-09-04