Relation is exactly
Grant, Ulysses S
[D7805ZDW], Letter from Edwin M Fox to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1878 1878-10-20
[D8104U], Letter from United States Commission for World's Fair (1883), John Philip Newman to Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1881 1881-01-26
[SB502027A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, September 2nd, 1911 1911-09-02
[W400D039], Legal Testimony, Josiah Custer Reiff, May 1905 1905-05-00
[X401C1K], Letter from Charles Edison to Madeleine Edison, November 1st, 1913 1913-11-01
[X453W1F], Obituary, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, August 25th, 1947 1947-08-25
[X470YA1], Reminiscence, Kate Patterson Bruch, August 1st, 1897 1897-08-01
- [X470YH] Clipping, Undated