Relation is exactly
Haid, Alfred
[D7913ZAU], Memorandum, Charles Batchelor, 1879 1879-00-00
[D8034ZAD], Letter from P C Renfrew to Thomas Alva Edison, March 25th, 1880 1880-03-25
[D8123O], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, February 28th, 1881 1881-02-28
[D8123ZAZ], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, April 18th, 1881 1881-04-18
[D8123ZBK], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, May 4th, 1881 1881-05-04
[D8123ZCQ], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, June 27th, 1881 1881-06-27
[D8123ZDP], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, August 26th, 1881 1881-08-26
[D8137B], Letter from Charles Peters Mott to Thomas Alva Edison, February 22nd, 1881 1881-02-22
[D8137C], Letter from Charles Peters Mott to Thomas Alva Edison, February 23rd, 1881 1881-02-23
[D8137E], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 4th, 1881 1881-04-04
[D8137G], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 6th, 1881 1881-04-06
[D8137H], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 7th, 1881 1881-04-07
[D8137I], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1881 1881-04-09
[D8137J], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 12th, 1881 1881-04-12
[D8137L], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 14th, 1881 1881-04-14
[D8137N], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 15th, 1881 1881-04-15
[D8137O], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 17th, 1881 1881-04-17
[D8137P], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 18th, 1881 1881-04-18
[D8137Q], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 20th, 1881 1881-04-20
[D8137R], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 20th, 1881 1881-04-20
[D8137T], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 27th, 1881 1881-04-27
[D8137U], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 28th, 1881 1881-04-28
[D8137W], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, May 2nd, 1881 1881-05-02
[D8137ZAA], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, May 6th, 1881 1881-05-06
[D8137ZAB], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, May 7th, 1881 1881-05-07
[D8137ZAD], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, May 10th, 1881 1881-05-10
[D8137ZAM], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1881 1881-05-20
[D8137ZAT], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, May 31st, 1881 1881-05-31
[D8137ZBW], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Thomas Logan, July 15th, 1881 1881-07-15
[D8137ZBY], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, 1881 1881-00-00
[D8521B], Legal Pleading, Bergmann & Co, January 1885 1885-01-00
[D8521C], Legal Pleading, Bergmann & Co, January 1885 1885-01-00
[LB008230], Letter from Francis Jehl to Francis Robbins Upton, May 5th, 1881 1881-05-05
[LB005329], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Frank McLaughlin, November 11th, 1879 1879-11-11
[LB008104], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Thomas Logan, March 26th, 1881 1881-03-26
[MBN007AAR], Technical Note, John White Howell, February 17th, 1881 1881-02-17
[MBN007AAT], Technical Note, John White Howell, March 17th, 1881 1881-03-17
[MBN007AAU], Technical Note, John White Howell, April 22nd, 1881 1881-04-22
[MBN007AAV], Technical Note, John White Howell, May 10th, 1881 1881-05-10
[MBN007AAW], Technical Note, John White Howell, May 12th, 1881 1881-05-12
[MBN007AAX], Technical Note, John White Howell, May 26th, 1881 1881-05-26
[MBN007AAY], Technical Note, John White Howell, May 31st, 1881 1881-05-31
[MBN008ABB], Technical Note, John White Howell, February 24th, 1882 1882-02-24
[N206065], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 1st, 1882 1882-08-01
[NSUN08] Technical Note, 1882-1886 1882-1886
[SB012AAV], Letter from Thomas Logan to Thomas Alva Edison, April 11th, 1881 1881-04-11
[SB5029A], Reminiscence, Edward Goodrich Acheson, February 11th, 1911 1911-02-11
[SM062037], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 13th, 1882 1882-02-13
[W100DEC002], Legal Testimony, Ludwig K Boehm, August 26th, 1881 1881-08-26
[W100DEC025], Legal Testimony, George Crosby, August 29th, 1881 1881-08-29
[W100DED032], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, September 8th, 1881 1881-09-08
[W100DEH], Legal Decision, U.S. Patent Office, October 29th, 1881 1881-10-29
[X001A5AW], Letter from Francis Jehl to Thomas Alva Edison, July 17th, 1929 1929-07-17
[X001D8D], Letter from Alice Stilwell Holzer to Henry Ford, November 3rd, 1928 1928-11-03
[X001J1AD], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Goodrich Acheson, May 2nd, 1881 1881-05-02
[X001M5L], Diary, Francis Jehl, 1881 1881-00-00
- [X098A002A] List, Undated
- [X098HC11] List, Undated