Relation is exactly
Henry, Joseph
[D7702ZAD], Letter from Leonard Myers to Thomas Alva Edison, July 3rd, 1877 1877-07-03
[D7702ZDD], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, November 18th, 1877 1877-11-18
[D7717ZAQ], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, June 28th, 1877 1877-06-28
[D7802D], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, January 4th, 1878 1878-01-04
[D7802ZHC], Letter from John Brisben Walker to Thomas Alva Edison, April 11th, 1878 1878-04-11
[D7802ZLI], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, May 13th, 1878 1878-05-13
[D8041G], Letter from John Michels to Thomas Alva Edison, May 13th, 1880 1880-05-13
[D8403ZHZ], Letter from Frederick Gutekunst to Thomas Alva Edison, October 23rd, 1884 1884-10-23
[E1503AH], Letter from John Brisben Walker to Thomas Alva Edison, March 8th, 1915 1915-03-08
[E1716AC], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to New York State Museum, John Mason Clarke, March 6th, 1917 1917-03-06
[E1716AD], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Charles Bridge Davis, John Mason Clarke, March 9th, 1917 1917-03-09
[LB044190], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to M R Levy, September 25th, 1890 1890-09-25
[MBLB1237], Letter from Charles Batchelor to George Harrison Bliss, December 6th, 1877 1877-12-06
[MBLB1265], Letter from Charles Batchelor to James Adams, April 16th, 1878 1878-04-16
[MBSB10854X], Clipping, New York Tribune, August 23rd, 1878 1878-08-23
[NM003132], Letter from George Frederick Barker to Thomas Alva Edison, November 3rd, 1874 1874-11-03
[NM003310A], Telegram from George Frederick Barker to Thomas Alva Edison, November 11th, 1874 1874-11-11
[NP110069], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, 1917 1917-00-00
[PA427Z], Article, Samuel M Plush, April 1878 1878-04-00
[SB508044A1], Interview, Louis Alan Hazeltine, December 1923 1923-12-00
[SB515029B], Clipping, Washington Post, June 18th, 1916 1916-06-18
[SB515036B], Clipping, New York Times, June 19th, 1916 1916-06-19
[SB515043C], Clipping, Albany Journal, June 17th, 1916 1916-06-17
[TI2530], Article, Washington Star, November 17th, 1877 1877-11-17
[W400E142], Legal Testimony, William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), February 28th, 1907 1907-02-28
[W400E143], Report from Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co, 1876 1876-00-00
[X012JG], Letter from Henry Bentley to George Bartlett Prescott, October 15th, 1880 1880-10-15
[X031B], Report from Exhibition. Philadelphia Centennial (1876), June 30th, 1876 1876-06-30
[X093E], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Philip Bayaud McDonald, November 19th, 1923 1923-11-19
[X098A094], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1928 1928-10-20
[X120ABB], Letter from Richard Rogers Bowker to Jonathan Scott Hartley, December 28th, 1898 1898-12-28
[X120ABC], Letter from Jonathan Scott Hartley to Richard Rogers Bowker, January 16th, 1899 1899-01-16
[X120BAE], Letter from George Frederick Barker to Henry Draper, May 21st, 1876 1876-05-21
[X120BAM], Letter from George Frederick Barker to Henry Draper, August 15th, 1877 1877-08-15
[X455MAM], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Theodore Miller Edison, May 10th, 1924 1924-05-10
[X455MAN], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Theodore Miller Edison, May 12th, 1924 1924-05-12