Relation is exactly
Mott, Samuel Dimmick
[D1017ACC], Letter from Thomas Commerford Martin to William Henry Meadowcroft, December 21st, 1910 1910-12-21
[D8036ZGK1], Telegram from Zenas Fisk Wilber to William Carman, 1880 1880-00-00
[D8226G], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, May 22nd, 1882 1882-05-22
[D8226ZAE], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, June 24th, 1882 1882-06-24
[D8303L], Letter from J Kearny Rice to Thomas Alva Edison, January 12th, 1883 1883-01-12
[D8303ZIM], Legal Pleading, Thomas Alva Edison, 1883 1883-00-00
[D8305D], Letter from Charles Asa Holman to Thomas Alva Edison, April 7th, 1883 1883-04-07
[D8468K], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to John Canfield Tomlinson, February 12th, 1884 1884-02-12
[D8603ZCJ], Legal Decision, N.Y. State. Supreme Court, Charles Donohue, October 22nd, 1886 1886-10-22
[E1220AA], List, Robert Ten Eyck Lozier, January 15th, 1912 1912-01-15
[LB007440], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sherburne Blake Eaton, June 12th, 1882 1882-06-12
[LB007587A], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Light Co Ltd, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[LB007587B], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[LB007588B], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Theodore Turrettini, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[LB007588C], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles W Havemeyer, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[LB007592], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sherburne Blake Eaton, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[LB009293A], Telegram from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, November 16th, 1881 1881-11-16
[LB012415], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sherburne Blake Eaton, May 24th, 1882 1882-05-24
[LB012459], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sherburne Blake Eaton, May 29th, 1882 1882-05-29
[LM001230A], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Light Co Ltd, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[LM001230B], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[LM001230D], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Theodore Turrettini, June 27th, 1882 1882-06-27
[N053005], Diary, Charles Peters Mott, March 14th, 1880 1880-03-14
[N117119], Diary, Charles Peters Mott, September 8th, 1880 1880-09-08
[N206027], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 14th, 1881 1881-03-14
[NM016AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 3rd, 1881 1881-01-03
[NM016AAC] Technical Note, January 1881 1881-01-00
[NM016AAJ], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 9th, 1881 1881-03-09
[NM016AAM], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 25th, 1881 1881-03-25
[NM016AAN], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 30th, 1881 1881-03-30
[NM016AAQ], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 4th, 1881 1881-04-04
[NM016AAT], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 20th, 1881 1881-04-20
[NM016ABA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 16th, 1881 1881-05-16
[NM016ABB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 17th, 1881 1881-05-17
[NM016ABD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 19th, 1881 1881-05-19
[NM016ABE], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1881 1881-05-20
[NM016ABF], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 21st, 1881 1881-05-21
[NM016ABJ], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 6th, 1881 1881-06-06
[NM016ABL], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 3rd, 1881 1881-06-03
[NM016ABN], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 3rd, 1881 1881-06-03
[NM016ABO], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 4th, 1881 1881-06-04
[NM016ABT], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 22nd, 1881 1881-06-22
[NM016ABV], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 2nd, 1881 1881-07-02
[NM016ABW], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 1881 1881-10-00
[NM016ABX], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 22nd, 1881 1881-10-22
[NM016ABZ], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, September 10th, 1881 1881-09-10
[NM016ACA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, September 16th, 1881 1881-09-16
[NM016ACE], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1881 1881-11-28
[NM016ACH] Technical Note, c. 1881 1881-00-00
[NM017AAH], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 17th, 1882 1882-01-17
[NM017AAJ], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1882 1882-01-18
[NM017AAL], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1882 1882-01-21
[NM017AAN], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1882 1882-01-21
[NM017AAP], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1882 1882-01-21
[NM017AAU], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Richard Nott Dyer, February 3rd, 1882 1882-02-03
[NS81AAU], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 2nd, 1881 1881-04-02
[NS81AAV], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 26th, 1881 1881-04-26
[NS81AAX], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1881 1881-11-28
[NSUN07] Technical Note, 1879-1881 1879-1881
[PT011AAA], Patent Application, Thomas Alva Edison, August 9th, 1880 1880-08-09
[QD008014], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, August 28th, 1881 1881-08-28
[QD008020A], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 17th, 1881 1881-05-17
[QD009018], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 17th, 1885 1885-11-17
[QD0120000B], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 4th, 1881 1881-01-04
[QD0120000C], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 3rd, 1881 1881-01-03
[QD0120000D], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 5th, 1883 1883-11-05
[QD0120000H], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1879 1879-10-02
[QD012E2628], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, December 17th, 1879 1879-12-17
[SB5029A], Reminiscence, Edward Goodrich Acheson, February 11th, 1911 1911-02-11
[SC19032D], Clipping, Nashville Tennessean, June 10th, 1919 1919-06-10
[W100ABO], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, December 17th, 1879 1879-12-17
[W100ABQ], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, December 16th, 1880 1880-12-16
[W100ABR], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, December 16th, 1880 1880-12-16
[W100BA5A], Patent Application, Thomas Alva Edison, December 28th, 1880 1880-12-28
[W100DFA084A], Patent Application, Thomas Alva Edison, June 22nd, 1881 1881-06-22
[W100DH003], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, November 17th, 1885 1885-11-17
[W100DIJ], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, December 17th, 1879 1879-12-17
[W100DIZ026], Legal Testimony, Charles Peters Mott, December 7th, 1883 1883-12-07
[W100DIZ254], Legal Testimony, Charles Peters Mott, December 27th, 1883 1883-12-27
[W100DIZ281], Legal Testimony, Charles Peters Mott, December 28th, 1883 1883-12-28
[W100DIZ564], Legal Testimony, Albert Bledsoe Herrick, February 29th, 1884 1884-02-29
[W100DIZ598], Legal Testimony, Albert Bledsoe Herrick, March 25th, 1884 1884-03-25
[X001J8DX], Letter from Charles Lorenzo Clarke to Francis Jehl, December 15th, 1938 1938-12-15
[X001J8BD], Maps and Plans, Charles Lorenzo Clarke, March 16th, 1929 1929-03-16
[X001M5G1] Reminiscence, 1929-1935 1929-1935
[X001M5L], Diary, Francis Jehl, 1881 1881-00-00
- [X098A002A] List, Undated
[X098A080], Letter from Francis Robbins Upton to Thomas Alva Edison, January 24th, 1918 1918-01-24
[X098FA022A], Diary, William Joseph Hammer, October 1881 1881-10-00
[X098FA022B], Diary, William Joseph Hammer, November 1882 1882-11-00
- [X098HC11] List, Undated