Relation is exactly
Naval Research Laboratory
[E1513AQ], Letter from Van Nostrand (D.) Co, Charles E Speirs to William Henry Meadowcroft, December 15th, 1915 1915-12-15
[E1660AD], Letter from Thomas Orchard Lisle to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, October 9th, 1916 1916-10-09
[E1660AE], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Orchard Lisle, October 13th, 1916 1916-10-13
[E1660AK], Letter from Walter S Nunnelly to Thomas Alva Edison, December 18th, 1916 1916-12-18
[LB112406], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Benjamin Ryan Tillman, June 5th, 1916 1916-06-05
[LB116563], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to James French Strange, April 3rd, 1917 1917-04-03
[LB116571], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Baltimore News, Charles McHenry Harwood, April 6th, 1917 1917-04-06
[MF01AM], Letter from Thomas Robins to Thomas Alva Edison, November 17th, 1915 1915-11-17
[MF01AR], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Lawrence Saunders, November 23rd, 1915 1915-11-23
[MF01AU], Letter from Leo Hendrick Baekeland to Thomas Alva Edison, November 30th, 1915 1915-11-30
[MF02AC], Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Thomas Alva Edison, December 8th, 1915 1915-12-08
[MF02AG], Letter from W W Boughton to Josephus Daniels, October 8th, 1915 1915-10-08
[MF02AI], Article, Leo Hendrick Baekeland, December 15th, 1915 1915-12-15
[MF02AQ], Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Thomas Robins, December 20th, 1915 1915-12-20
[MF02AR], Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Thomas Alva Edison, December 20th, 1915 1915-12-20
[MF02BB], Letter from Frederic de Puyster Foster to Thomas Alva Edison, December 27th, 1915 1915-12-27
[MF02BJ], Letter from Michael M Montgomery to Thomas Alva Edison, December 29th, 1915 1915-12-29
[MF02BK], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Frederic de Puyster Foster, December 30th, 1915 1915-12-30
[MF02BL], Letter from Leo Hendrick Baekeland to Miller Reese Hutchison, December 30th, 1915 1915-12-30
[MF02BN], Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Naval Consulting Board, Thomas Alva Edison, December 30th, 1915 1915-12-30
[MF02BO], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, December 1915 1915-12-00
[MF02BP], Memorandum, Miller Reese Hutchison, Thomas Alva Edison, December 1915 1915-12-00
[MF04AC], Letter from Henry Alexander Wise Wood to Thomas Alva Edison, January 5th, 1916 1916-01-05
[MF04AD], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Henry Alexander Wise Wood, January 7th, 1916 1916-01-07
[MF04AG], Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Thomas Alva Edison, January 8th, 1916 1916-01-08
[MF04AV], Letter from W R Messenger, Bronx Terminal Corp to Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1916 1916-01-18
[MF04AY], Letter from Elmer Ambrose Sperry to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1916 1916-01-20
[MF04AZ], Letter from Roswell Hamilton Simpson to Cruse-Kemper Co, January 21st, 1916 1916-01-21
[MF04BA], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to W R Messenger, Bronx Terminal Corp, January 24th, 1916 1916-01-24
[MF04BC], Letter from Roswell Hamilton Simpson to Cruse-Kemper Co, Samuel E Fairchild, Jr., January 25th, 1916 1916-01-25
[MF04BF], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Elmer Ambrose Sperry, January 27th, 1916 1916-01-27
[MF04BQ], Letter from George M Lilburn to Thomas Alva Edison, February 10th, 1916 1916-02-10
[MF04BR], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George M Lilburn, February 15th, 1916 1916-02-15
[MF04BS], Letter from Frederic de Puyster Foster to Thomas Alva Edison, February 10th, 1916 1916-02-10
[MF05A], Letter from George M Lilburn to Thomas Alva Edison, March 1st, 1916 1916-03-01
[MF05AO], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 13th, 1916 1916-03-13
[MF05AP], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 16th, 1916 1916-03-16
[MF05AR2], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, March 1916 1916-03-00
[MF05AR3], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to William Le Roy Emmet, March 21st, 1916 1916-03-21
[MF05BL], Letter from Simon Lake to Thomas Alva Edison, May 23rd, 1916 1916-05-23
[MF05BN], Letter from Thomas Robins to Naval Consulting Board, May 26th, 1916 1916-05-26
[MF05BO], Letter from Thomas Robins to Naval Consulting Board, May 26th, 1916 1916-05-26
[MF05BQ], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Benjamin Ryan Tillman, June 5th, 1916 1916-06-05
[MF06AF], Letter from Josephus Daniels to Lemuel Phillips Padgett, July 21st, 1916 1916-07-21
[MF06AG], Letter from Naval Consulting Board to Josephus Daniels, July 20th, 1916 1916-07-20
[MF06AH], Telegram from James French Strange to Thomas Alva Edison, July 26th, 1916 1916-07-26
[MF06AJ], Letter from Albert W Rayner, South Baltimore Harbor and Improvement Co to Thomas Alva Edison, August 1st, 1916 1916-08-01
[MF06AP], Letter from Josephus Daniels to Thomas Alva Edison, August 16th, 1916 1916-08-16
[MF06AS], Letter from William Scott Vare to Thomas Alva Edison, August 28th, 1916 1916-08-28
[MF06AV], Letter from John Adam Lesner, Norfolk Board of Trade to Thomas Alva Edison, August 29th, 1916 1916-08-29
[MF07AB], Letter from Napoleon Bonaparte Kelly, Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce to Thomas Alva Edison, September 6th, 1916 1916-09-06
[MF07AD], Letter from Thomas Robins to Thomas Alva Edison, September 13th, 1916 1916-09-13
[MF07AE], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Napoleon Bonaparte Kelly, Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, September 19th, 1916 1916-09-19
[MF07AI], Letter from Josephus Daniels to Thomas Alva Edison, September 23rd, 1916 1916-09-23
[MF07AJ], Telegram from Newbold Trotter Lawrence to Thomas Alva Edison, September 23rd, 1916 1916-09-23
[MF07AM], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Newbold Trotter Lawrence, September 26th, 1916 1916-09-26
[MF07AN], Letter from Thomas Robins to Lawrence Addicks, Thomas Alva Edison, Willis Rodney Whitney, Leo Hendrick Baekeland, Frank Julian Sprague, September 29th, 1916 1916-09-29
[MF07AO], Letter from Hudson Maxim to Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1916 1916-10-02
[MF07AP], Letter from Cyrus Townsend Brady to Hudson Maxim, September 25th, 1916 1916-09-25
[MF07AQ], Letter from Hudson Maxim to Cyrus Townsend Brady, October 2nd, 1916 1916-10-02
[MF07AR], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Naval Consulting Board, October 4th, 1916 1916-10-04
[MF07AT], Letter from Thomas Robins to Thomas Alva Edison, October 13th, 1916 1916-10-13
[MF07AU], Letter from Leo Hendrick Baekeland to Thomas Robins, October 13th, 1916 1916-10-13
[MF07AU1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Thomas Robins, October 17th, 1916 1916-10-17
[MF07AV], Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Frank Julian Sprague, October 17th, 1916 1916-10-17
[MF07AX], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Frank Julian Sprague, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[MF08AA], Letter from Edward S Stoddard to Thomas Alva Edison, November 9th, 1916 1916-11-09
[MF08AB], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward S Stoddard, November 14th, 1916 1916-11-14
[MF08AC], Letter from George Murray Hulbert to Thomas Alva Edison, November 10th, 1916 1916-11-10
[MF08AD], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Murray Hulbert, November 14th, 1916 1916-11-14
[MF08AE], Letter from Thomas Robins to Frank Julian Sprague, Leo Hendrick Baekeland, Willis Rodney Whitney, Thomas Alva Edison, Lawrence Addicks, November 15th, 1916 1916-11-15
[MF08AF], Letter from Lawrence Addicks to Thomas Alva Edison, November 17th, 1916 1916-11-17
[MF08AG], Letter from George Murray Hulbert to Thomas Alva Edison, November 20th, 1916 1916-11-20
[MF08AH], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Murray Hulbert, November 24th, 1916 1916-11-24
[MF08AI], Letter from George Eli Burd, U.S. Navy Yard (Brooklyn) to Thomas Alva Edison, November 22nd, 1916 1916-11-22
[MF08AK], Letter from Thomas Robins to Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1916 1916-11-28
[MF08AL], Letter from Stephen Robinson, Jr. to Thomas Alva Edison, November 29th, 1916 1916-11-29
[MF08AO], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Stephen Robinson, Jr., December 4th, 1916 1916-12-04
[MF08AR], Letter from Thomas Robins to Thomas Alva Edison, December 7th, 1916 1916-12-07
[MF08AR1], Report from Naval Consulting Board, December 7th, 1916 1916-12-07
[MF08AT], Letter from Hudson Maxim to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1916 1916-12-10
[MF08AU], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Elliot Snow, William Henry Meadowcroft, U.S. Navy Yard (Philadelphia), December 11th, 1916 1916-12-11
[MF08AW], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Hudson Maxim, December 13th, 1916 1916-12-13
[MF08AX], Letter from Frank Julian Sprague to Thomas Alva Edison, December 13th, 1916 1916-12-13
[MF08AZ], Letter from Thomas Robins to Josephus Daniels, December 14th, 1916 1916-12-14
[MF08AZ1], Report from Naval Consulting Board, December 14th, 1916 1916-12-14
[MF08BA], Report from Thomas Alva Edison, December 15th, 1916 1916-12-15
[MF08BB], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Josephus Daniels, December 16th, 1916 1916-12-16
[MF08BI], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Josephus Daniels, December 22nd, 1916 1916-12-22
[MF11AC], Letter from Thomas Robins to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1917 1917-01-20
[MF13BN], Letter from John H Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, March 12th, 1917 1917-03-12
[MF13BV], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to John H Ward, March 14th, 1917 1917-03-14
[MF13CS], Letter from James French Strange to Thomas Alva Edison, March 22nd, 1917 1917-03-22
[MF14AE], Letter from Baltimore News, Charles McHenry Harwood to Thomas Alva Edison, April 3rd, 1917 1917-04-03
[MF23AD], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Bruce Robinson Silver, June 16th, 1917 1917-06-16
[MF31AE], Letter from Willis Rodney Whitney to Thomas Alva Edison, January 3rd, 1918 1918-01-03
[MF31AS], Letter from General Electric Co, Willis Rodney Whitney to Thomas Alva Edison, January 9th, 1918 1918-01-09
[MF31BI], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to General Electric Co, Willis Rodney Whitney, January 21st, 1918 1918-01-21
[MF31CJ], Letter from Frank Julian Sprague to Thomas Alva Edison, January 30th, 1918 1918-01-30
[MF33AB], Letter from Josephus Daniels to Thomas Alva Edison, March 1st, 1918 1918-03-01