Relation is exactly
New York Central Railroad
[CJ416AAD], Letter from Herschel Roberts to Thomas Alva Edison, January 15th, 1902 1902-01-15
[D0102AAC], Letter from William S Logue to William Edgar Gilmore, September 16th, 1901 1901-09-16
[D0203AAH], Letter from Samuel Insull to William Edgar Gilmore, November 6th, 1902 1902-11-06
[D0815A1] Account, 1890-1908 1890-1908
[D0815AAD], Report from Morgan (J.P.) & Co, June 10th, 1908 1908-06-10
[D0815AAE], Letter from Morgan (J.P.) & Co to Thomas Alva Edison, June 15th, 1908 1908-06-15
[D0815AAG], Report from French Cable Co, July 7th, 1908 1908-07-07
[D0902AAJ], Report from Edison Manufacturing Co, June 1909 1909-06-00
[D1005ABZ], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Bion Joseph Arnold, June 3rd, 1910 1910-06-03
[D1005ADM], Letter from General Electric Co, William J Clarke to Thomas Alva Edison, August 24th, 1910 1910-08-24
[D7504C], Letter from P Mullarkey to Thomas Alva Edison, September 17th, 1875 1875-09-17
[D9004AEX], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, October 16th, 1890 1890-10-16
[D9004AEZ], Memorandum, Samuel Insull, October 16th, 1890 1890-10-16
[D9210AAR], Letter from Woerishoffer & Co to Thomas Alva Edison, October 15th, 1892 1892-10-15
[E1314AG1], Article, New York Press, March 7th, 1913 1913-03-07
[E1287BW], Letter from Harrison Gilman Thompson to William George Bee, April 2nd, 1912 1912-04-02
[E1339AP], Letter from Chautauqua Institution to Ira Mandeville Miller, February 18th, 1913 1913-02-18
[E1380AC], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, February 5th, 1913 1913-02-05
[F5G01AD], Letter from Charles Edison to Thomas Alva Edison, June 15th, 1931 1931-06-15
[HK5096AAB], Report from Thomas Alva Edison to U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue, February 25th, 1915 1915-02-25
[HK5244AC1], List, John Vincent Miller, February 10th, 1927 1927-02-10
[LB053344], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Drexel Morgan & Co, October 10th, 1892 1892-10-10
[LB053655], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Drexel Morgan & Co, September 29th, 1893 1893-09-29
[LB063616], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, July 10th, 1899 1899-07-10
[LB076764], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Morgan (J.P.) & Co, April 27th, 1908 1908-04-27
[LB076852], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Morgan (J.P.) & Co, May 6th, 1908 1908-05-06
[LB077297], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Morgan (J.P.) & Co, July 15th, 1908 1908-07-15
[LM022285], Letter from Charles Patterson Bruch to Ezra Torrance Gilliland, December 29th, 1888 1888-12-29
[LM205473], Letter from John P Walsh to New York and New England Railroad, Isaac Duell Barton, February 12th, 1892 1892-02-12
[NP090005], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, December 1st, 1911 1911-12-01
[NP096152], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, February 28th, 1913 1913-02-28
[NP097014], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, February 28th, 1913 1913-02-28
[NP109097], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, April 1917 1917-04-00
[SC12114A], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, December 14th, 1912 1912-12-14
[SC13041A], Clipping, New York Press, March 7th, 1913 1913-03-07
[SC91021A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, March 20th, 1891 1891-03-20
[X018B1BD1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison, Jr. to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, August 27th, 1894 1894-08-27
[X402AA], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison, Union Trust Co of New York, June 26th, 1907 1907-06-26