Relation is exactly
New York Times
[CJ619ADN], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Thomas Alva Edison, June 25th, 1910 1910-06-25
[CJ620ADK], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Harry Frederick Miller, August 3rd, 1911 1911-08-03
[CJ622ABB], Letter from Harold M Scott to Stephen Babcock Mambert, January 4th, 1919 1919-01-04
[D0703AAC], Letter from William Edgar Gilmore to Thomas Alva Edison, August 13th, 1907 1907-08-13
[D0731AAA], Letter from Leonard C McChesney to Thomas Alva Edison, January 10th, 1907 1907-01-10
[D0734AAH], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 27th, 1907 1907-10-27
[D0808AAZ], Letter from Benjamin Douglass, Jr. to Thomas Alva Edison, May 17th, 1908 1908-05-17
[D1001AAI], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George B Dresher, May 18th, 1910 1910-05-18
[D1003AAL], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Thomas Alva Edison, February 28th, 1910 1910-02-28
[D1005AAL], Letter from Willard Placide Reid to Walter Seeley Mallory, February 2nd, 1910 1910-02-02
[D1005AAM], Letter from Cornelius J Field to Frank Lewis Dyer, February 11th, 1910 1910-02-11
[D1017ACH], Letter from Thomas Commerford Martin to William Henry Meadowcroft, December 29th, 1910 1910-12-29
[D1027AAB], Letter from Samuel Fine to Thomas Alva Edison, October 3rd, 1910 1910-10-03
[D1027AAC], Letter from Bert Reese to Thomas Alva Edison, October 3rd, 1910 1910-10-03
[D1027AAK], Letter from Thomas Benjamin Doolittle to Thomas Alva Edison, October 13th, 1910 1910-10-13
[D1027AAP], Letter from Bert Reese to Thomas Alva Edison, October 23rd, 1910 1910-10-23
[D1027AAX], Letter from Joseph Evans to Thomas Alva Edison, November 11th, 1910 1910-11-11
[D1027AAY], Letter from Alice Waldo to Thomas Alva Edison, November 13th, 1910 1910-11-13
[D1027ABA], Letter from James L Smith to Thomas Alva Edison, November 14th, 1910 1910-11-14
[D1027ABX], Letter from Joseph C Coulombe to Thomas Alva Edison, December 7th, 1910 1910-12-07
[D1045ABI], Letter from Charles H Schott to Thomas Alva Edison, May 5th, 1910 1910-05-05
[D1047AAY], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, August 26th, 1910 1910-08-26
[D7719U], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Josiah Custer Reiff, July 20th, 1877 1877-07-20
[D7819ZEO], Letter from George Edmund Blackham to Thomas Alva Edison, December 31st, 1878 1878-12-31
[D8223N], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, November 9th, 1882 1882-11-09
[D8818ART], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to George Edward Gouraud, August 17th, 1888 1888-08-17
[D8847ABG], Letter from John L Ludlum to Thomas Alva Edison, July 10th, 1888 1888-07-10
[D9004AEE], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, September 5th, 1890 1890-09-05
[D9028AAB], Letter from Charles F Hanington to Charles Batchelor, February 12th, 1890 1890-02-12
[D9124AAE], Letter from William Dennis Marks to Thomas Alva Edison, February 3rd, 1891 1891-02-03
[E1103AT], Letter from Charles Neumeyer, Louisville Anzeiger to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1911 1911-10-19
[E1103AX], Telegram from Edward Marshall to Thomas Alva Edison, November 1st, 1911 1911-11-01
[E1103BA], Letter from Stanley Robinson to Thomas Alva Edison, November 3rd, 1911 1911-11-03
[E1107D], Letter from Nellie Shaw Houston to Thomas Alva Edison, November 20th, 1911 1911-11-20
[E1203AB], Letter from James William Sullivan, American Federationist to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1912 1912-01-20
[E1116AV], Letter from Arthur I Clymer to Harry Frederick Miller, June 5th, 1911 1911-06-05
[E1127AX], Letter from E B Jennings to Thomas Alva Edison, December 27th, 1911 1911-12-27
[E1128BE], Letter from Richard W Long to Thomas Alva Edison, December 14th, 1911 1911-12-14
[E1163BS1], Letter from William Trowbridge Larned, Modern Historic Records Assn to Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1911 1911-11-28
[E1179AO], Essay, Thomas Dehoney, Thomas Alva Edison, February 28th, 1911 1911-02-28
[E1179AR], Letter from Jons Elias Fries to Thomas Alva Edison, March 8th, 1911 1911-03-08
[E1220CJ], Letter from Thomas Commerford Martin to William Henry Meadowcroft, March 7th, 1912 1912-03-07
[E1224AB], Letter from New York Furniture Exchange, Charles E Spratt to Harry Frederick Miller, January 6th, 1912 1912-01-06
[E1260AK], Letter from Julius Hyman to Thomas Alva Edison, June 13th, 1912 1912-06-13
[E1304AX], Letter from Thomas Commerford Martin to William Henry Meadowcroft, June 17th, 1913 1913-06-17
[E1380AB], Letter from National Electric Light Assn, Thomas Commerford Martin to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 30th, 1913 1913-01-30
[E1404BQ], Letter from Kaffee Hag Corporation to Thomas Alva Edison, October 14th, 1914 1914-10-14
[E1404BZ], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, November 10th, 1914 1914-11-10
[E1416AD], Letter from New York Sun to Fred Miller, March 6th, 1914 1914-03-06
[E1421AE], Letter from Pratt (B.G.) Co to Thomas Alva Edison, February 14th, 1914 1914-02-14
[E1423AC], Letter from Alexander Haddad to Thomas Alva Edison, May 11th, 1914 1914-05-11
[E1423AD], Letter from Charles Richmond De Bevoise to Thomas Alva Edison, May 11th, 1914 1914-05-11
[E1423AN], Letter from American Tobacco Co, Percival Smith Hill to Thomas Alva Edison, June 24th, 1914 1914-06-24
[E1423AR], Letter from Ernest Gustav Liebold to William Henry Meadowcroft, July 1st, 1914 1914-07-01
[E1448F], Letter from Seaboard National Bank, Samuel Gamble Bayne to Thomas Alva Edison, October 21st, 1914 1914-10-21
[E1502AM], Letter from George B Pennock to Thomas Alva Edison, June 2nd, 1915 1915-06-02
[E1503AA], Letter from T B Dawson to Thomas Alva Edison, January 4th, 1915 1915-01-04
[E1503AE], Letter from Edward Marshall to William Henry Meadowcroft, February 8th, 1915 1915-02-08
[E1518DBA], Letter from Thomas Commerford Martin to William Henry Meadowcroft, April 5th, 1915 1915-04-05
[E1583AD], Letter from Isidor Singer to Thomas Alva Edison, June 3rd, 1915 1915-06-03
[E1603AC], Letter from Kenneth Wayne Murphy, Acetylene Journal Publishing Co to Thomas Alva Edison, January 12th, 1916 1916-01-12
[E1624AK], Letter from John J McInerney to Thomas Alva Edison, February 24th, 1916 1916-02-24
[E1664BBU], Letter from Charles O'Conor Sloane, Phonograph Sales Co to Thomas Alva Edison, August 4th, 1916 1916-08-04
[E1681AA], Letter from George Frederick Kunz to Thomas Alva Edison, January 3rd, 1916 1916-01-03
[E1704AH1], Telegram from Newspaper Enterprise Assn to Thomas Alva Edison, January 29th, 1917 1917-01-29
[E1739CM], Letter from William Deans to U.S. Signal Corps. Aviation School (Mineola), September 30th, 1917 1917-09-30
[E1903AW], Letter from Walter M Rosebault to Thomas Alva Edison, July 1st, 1919 1919-07-01
[E1903BS], Letter from J Stuart Kelley, American Labor World to Henry Augustus Altengarten, August 22nd, 1919 1919-08-22
[E1913AA], Letter from George Frederick Kunz to Thomas Alva Edison, May 19th, 1919 1919-05-19
[E1913AA1], Interview, Grosvenor Atterbury, May 19th, 1919 1919-05-19
[E1922BY1], Letter from J P Teulings to Thomas Alva Edison, June 28th, 1919 1919-06-28
[F5B10C], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Charles Edison, April 27th, 1931 1931-04-27
[F5B10F], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Charles Edison, May 10th, 1931 1931-05-10
[F5D06E], Letter from Louise Igoe (Mrs Robert A.) Miller to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, October 31st, 1928 1928-10-31
[F5D06H], Letter from Louise Igoe (Mrs Robert A.) Miller to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, February 19th, 1929 1929-02-19
[F5D12AB], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, January 20th, 1929 1929-01-20
[F5D12AL], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, July 29th, 1929 1929-07-29
[F5D12BG], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, August 11th, 1930 1930-08-11
[F5D12BO1], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, Thomas Alva Edison, February 1931 1931-02-00
[F5D12BP1], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Thomas Alva Edison, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, March 15th, 1931 1931-03-15
[F5F04BC], Letter from Eva Burke (Mrs Robert D.) Douglass to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, March 13th, 1914 1914-03-13
[HMLB008], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, March 13th, 1908 1908-03-13
[LB075366], Letter from John F Randolph to Adolph Simon Ochs, April 11th, 1907 1907-04-11
[LB083167], Letter from Harry Frederick Miller to Horace Field Parshall, June 16th, 1910 1910-06-16
[LB084281], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Bert Reese, October 20th, 1910 1910-10-20
[LB101052], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Commerford Martin, December 1st, 1914 1914-12-01
[LB109362], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Frederick Kunz, January 8th, 1916 1916-01-08
[MBJ004199b], Interview, Charles Batchelor, Thomas Alva Edison, February 21st, 1892 1892-02-21
[MBSB52184], Interview, Sherburne Blake Eaton, April 27th, 1882 1882-04-27
[MBSB8B3392], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, February 21st, 1892 1892-02-21
[MBSB9090], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, January 7th, 1906 1906-01-07
[MBSB9139], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, October 21st, 1906 1906-10-21
[MBSB9179], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1908 1908-10-11
[MBSB9250], Interview, Ralph Hamilton Beach, March 4th, 1910 1910-03-04
[MF01AA], Letter from Josephus Daniels to Thomas Alva Edison, July 7th, 1915 1915-07-07
[MF02BB], Letter from Frederic de Puyster Foster to Thomas Alva Edison, December 27th, 1915 1915-12-27
[MF02BJ], Letter from Michael M Montgomery to Thomas Alva Edison, December 29th, 1915 1915-12-29
[MF07AH], Letter from Thomas Robins to Thomas Alva Edison, September 22nd, 1916 1916-09-22
[MF13CD], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Josephus Daniels, March 16th, 1917 1917-03-16
[MF32AL], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Henry Meadowcroft, February 1918 1918-02-00