Relation is exactly
Pathe, Charles
[CK908AAC], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, April 18th, 1908 1908-04-18
[CK908AAD], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, April 25th, 1908 1908-04-25
[CK922AAN], Article, Tribuna, May 12th, 1909 1909-05-12
[CK922AAQ], Letter from Jacques Albert Berst to Frank Lewis Dyer, September 13th, 1909 1909-09-13
[CK922AAX], Letter from Pathe Freres to Frank Lewis Dyer, October 30th, 1909 1909-10-30
[E1359AG], Letter from Michael Bennett Leavitt to Thomas Alva Edison, January 12th, 1913 1913-01-12
[QM008AAO], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to John Hutchinson Powrie, January 12th, 1910 1910-01-12
[QM008AAU], Letter from John Hutchinson Powrie, Florence M Warner to Frank Lewis Dyer, January 23rd, 1910 1910-01-23
[QM008ABG], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Thomas Alva Edison, February 8th, 1910 1910-02-08
[QP032AAI], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George Croydon Marks, February 22nd, 1910 1910-02-22