Relation is exactly
Pope, Franklin Leonard
[D6901I], Publication, Pope Edison & Co, October 2nd, 1869 1869-10-02
[D6901J], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Frank A Hanaford, November 30th, 1869 1869-11-30
[D7001A], Bill/Receipt from Electa Wainwright (Mrs Ebenezer L.) Pope to Thomas Alva Edison, May 7th, 1870 1870-05-07
[D7301A], Letter from Jesse H Bunnell to Thomas Alva Edison, November 15th, 1873 1873-11-15
[D7616V], Letter from Alfred Nelson to Thomas Alva Edison, November 24th, 1876 1876-11-24
[D7802ZZET], Letter from C R Richards to Thomas Alva Edison, October 12th, 1878 1878-10-12
[D7715ZAR], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, December 7th, 1877 1877-12-07
[D7715ZAU], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, December 27th, 1877 1877-12-27
[D7717R], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, May 3rd, 1877 1877-05-03
[D7802U], Letter from Uriah Hunt Painter to Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1878 1878-01-26
[D7802W], Letter from Joseph Thomas Murray to Thomas Alva Edison, January 28th, 1878 1878-01-28
[D7802ZQF], Letter from George Bartlett Prescott to Thomas Alva Edison, June 25th, 1878 1878-06-25
[D7802ZRW], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, July 9th, 1878 1878-07-09
[D7802ZTL], Letter from James Adams to Charles Batchelor, July 22nd, 1878 1878-07-22
[D7802ZUQ], Letter from Stockton L Griffin to Thomas Alva Edison, August 5th, 1878 1878-08-05
[D7802ZZMY], Letter from George Harrison Bliss to Thomas Alva Edison, December 13th, 1878 1878-12-13
[D7802ZZNI], Letter from George Harrison Bliss to Thomas Alva Edison, December 17th, 1878 1878-12-17
[D7828ZAD], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, April 26th, 1878 1878-04-26
[D7828ZFI], Letter from Western Union, Clarence Cary to Thomas Alva Edison, December 19th, 1878 1878-12-19
[D7836ZCP], Letter from Grosvenor Porter Lowrey to Thomas Alva Edison, November 13th, 1878 1878-11-13
[D7840ZAJ], Letter from James Adams to Charles Batchelor, July 12th, 1878 1878-07-12
[D7840ZAR], Letter from James Adams to Charles Batchelor, July 24th, 1878 1878-07-24
[D7929ZGN], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, 1879 1879-00-00
[D7937ZDV], Letter from Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, George Walker to Thomas Alva Edison, December 3rd, 1879 1879-12-03
[D7939I], Letter from Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, George Walker to Thomas Alva Edison, March 1st, 1879 1879-03-01
[D7939K], Letter from Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, George Walker to Thomas Alva Edison, May 5th, 1879 1879-05-05
[D8043U1], Letter from Norvin Green to Thomas Alva Edison, March 12th, 1880 1880-03-12
[D8603C], Letter from Josiah Custer Reiff to Thomas Alva Edison, January 7th, 1886 1886-01-07
[D9050ABI], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, May 10th, 1890 1890-05-10
[D9050ABJ], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, May 12th, 1890 1890-05-12
[E1427AB], Letter from O W Ewing to Harry Frederick Miller, January 26th, 1914 1914-01-26
[E1624BC], Letter from Charles R Sherman to Thomas Alva Edison, September 18th, 1916 1916-09-18
[LB001288], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Orton, September 17th, 1877 1877-09-17
[LB003300], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, June 24th, 1878 1878-06-24
[LB015263A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Samuel Spahr Laws, February 6th, 1883 1883-02-06
[LB075459], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Elias Cornelius Benedict, May 28th, 1907 1907-05-28
[MBLB2011], Letter from Charles Batchelor to James Adams, July 31st, 1878 1878-07-31
[MBSB10510], Article, George Harrison Bliss, April 1878 1878-04-00
[MM001BAJ], Letter from Henry Van Hoevenberg to Ralph Wainwright Pope, July 24th, 1908 1908-07-24
[PA054], Article, Journal of the Telegraph, August 2nd, 1869 1869-08-02
[PA055], Article, James Nye Ashley, October 9th, 1869 1869-10-09
[QCE01279A], Legal Decision, N.Y. City. Superior Court, John Sedgwick, February 21st, 1877 1877-02-21
[SB031101a], Clipping, Chicago Tribune, George Harrison Bliss, April 8th, 1878 1878-04-08
[SC89189A], Clipping, New York Post, November 6th, 1889 1889-11-06
[SC89189A1], Letter from Harold P Brown to New York Post, October 31st, 1889 1889-10-31
[SC96056A], Clipping, Boston Journal, October 14th, 1896 1896-10-14
[SC96057A], Clipping, New York Telegram, October 16th, 1896 1896-10-16
[W100DAB003], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, November 29th, 1880 1880-11-29
[W100DAB147], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, April 27th, 1878 1878-04-27
[W100DMC], Legal Testimony, Dyer and Seely, November 18th, 1890 1890-11-18
[W100DMD], Legal Testimony, Dyer and Seely, January 14th, 1892 1892-01-14
[W600Q], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Ebenezer Baker Welch, May 8th, 1869 1869-05-08
[X001K9014] Technical Note, 1890-1894 1890-1894
[X001K9027] Technical Note, 1890-1894 1890-1894
[X001L1002] Technical Note, 1890-1891 1890-1891
[X001L2158] Technical Note, 1891-1892 1891-1892
[X001L3003] Technical Note, 1891-1892 1891-1892
[X078AO], Letter from George Walker, Gold and Stock Telegraph Co to Samuel Stockton White, July 7th, 1879 1879-07-07
[X098A094], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1928 1928-10-20
[X099AS], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Orton, February 28th, 1878 1878-02-28
[X099BB049], Minutes, Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, May 9th, 1871 1871-05-09
[X099CE], Letter from William Orton to Anson Stager, March 22nd, 1871 1871-03-22
[X099CH], Letter from William Orton to Marshall Lefferts, June 18th, 1872 1872-06-18
[X111AP], Letter from Daniel H Craig to Marshall Lefferts, May 24th, 1872 1872-05-24
[X119AA], Incorporation Record, American Printing Telegraph Co, July 1st, 1870 1870-07-01
[X194A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Louis Wiley, February 18th, 1925 1925-02-18
[X194B], Article, New York Times, October 22nd, 1931 1931-10-22
[Z005BC], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to William Henry Preece, June 17th, 1878 1878-06-17