Relation is exactly
Power, Nicholas
[MM001GCO], Letter from Dr A E Nienstadt to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 5th, 1913 1913-01-05
[NP096138], Diary, Thomas Alva Edison, July 1913 1913-07-00
[QM015AAL], Legal Testimony, Edward Lincoln Aiken, June 1907 1907-06-00
[QM015AAV], Letter from Baxter Morton to Frank Lewis Dyer, August 22nd, 1907 1907-08-22
[QM015AAW], Letter from Herbert H Dyke to Baxter Morton, August 24th, 1907 1907-08-24
[QM015AAW2], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 1907 1907-08-00
[QM015ABK], Letter from Baxter Morton to Herbert H Dyke, October 26th, 1907 1907-10-26
[QM015ABN], Letter from Baxter Morton to Herbert H Dyke, December 7th, 1907 1907-12-07
[QM015ABO], Legal Testimony, Frank Lewis Dyer, 1907 1907-00-00
[QM015ABP], Telegram from Frank Lewis Dyer to John Oertly, June 16th, 1908 1908-06-16
[QM015ABQ], Telegram from John Oertly to Frank Lewis Dyer, June 16th, 1908 1908-06-16
[QM017AAH], Letter from Armat Motion Picture Co, Thomas Armat to Melville Church, April 1st, 1907 1907-04-01
[QM017AAK], Letter from Thomas Armat to Melville Church, May 4th, 1907 1907-05-04