Relation is exactly
Red Cross
[1043X018E5], Letter from Marian Nichols to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, November 5th, 1919 1919-11-05
[E1405AG], Letter from Dorothy B Shepard to Thomas Alva Edison, September 29th, 1914 1914-09-29
[E1565LA], Letter from Luigi Romano to Harry Frederick Miller, August 3rd, 1915 1915-08-03
[E1615BB], Letter from Marshall Clifford Lefferts to Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1916 1916-10-19
[E1615BE], Letter from Alice H George to Thomas Alva Edison, October 30th, 1916 1916-10-30
[E1664BBS], Letter from Virginia Lawrence Bean to William Henry Meadowcroft, July 30th, 1916 1916-07-30
[E1716AK], Letter from Nathaniel M Pratt, American Institute of Social Service to Thomas Alva Edison, June 8th, 1917 1917-06-08
[E1805AH], Letter from Newcomb Carlton to Thomas Alva Edison, September 24th, 1918 1918-09-24
[E1805AJ], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Newcomb Carlton, October 4th, 1918 1918-10-04
[E1817AC], Letter from John William Lieb to Thomas Alva Edison, February 9th, 1918 1918-02-09
[E1817AI], Letter from Secours National New York Committee, Myron Timothy Herrick to Thomas Alva Edison, April 26th, 1918 1918-04-26
[E1825AP], Letter from Stephen Joseph Herben to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, May 28th, 1918 1918-05-28
[E1825AQ], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Clyde Foster Armitage, Federal Council of Churches, May 31st, 1918 1918-05-31
[E1903AE], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, May 9th, 1919 1919-05-09
[E1959AG], Letter from Proudfoot's Commerical Agency to Thomas Alva Edison, August 7th, 1919 1919-08-07
[E1959AI], Letter from Exposition of Public Spirited Activities, Marius McGuffey to Richard Wesley Kellow, December 10th, 1919 1919-12-10
[F5F11AG], Letter from Alfred W Staub to Charles Frederic Rand, January 5th, 1920 1920-01-05
[LB114582], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alice H George, October 24th, 1916 1916-10-24
[SB514021C], Clipping, New York Post, December 6th, 1915 1915-12-06
[X018A4BCX], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, July 26th, 1922 1922-07-26
[X018A4BAJ], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, February 6th, 1918 1918-02-06
- [X018A4CS] Reminiscence, Madeleine Edison, Undated
[X018B2H], Letter from William Leslie Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, November 25th, 1918 1918-11-25
[X018C3AG], Letter from Grace A Miller to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, March 28th, 1918 1918-03-28
[X018C3AM], Letter from Grace A Miller to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, January 18th, 1920 1920-01-18
[X018C9BJ1F], Letter from Mary Emily Miller to Thomas Alva Edison, Halbert Kellogg Hitchcock, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, Grace A Miller, Theodore Miller Edison, Charles Edison, March 3rd, 1918 1918-03-03
[X018D5AS1], Letter from David V McClure, Theodore Westwood Miller to Lewis Miller, Mary Valinda (Mrs Lewis) Miller, July 7th, 1898 1898-07-07
[X018E2C] Letter, 1917-1918 1917-1918
[X400A5B], Questionnaire, Madeleine Edison, September 28th, 1937 1937-09-28
[X400A5C], Reminiscence, Madeleine Edison, 1945 1945-00-00
[X400GEZ], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, October 22nd, 1914 1914-10-22
[X400IAC], Letter from Madeleine Edison to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, July 6th, 1917 1917-07-06
[X400IAL], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, July 25th, 1917 1917-07-25
[X400IAV], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, August 6th, 1917 1917-08-06
[X400IBX], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, September 14th, 1917 1917-09-14
[X400ICP], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Madeleine Edison, September 28th, 1917 1917-09-28
[X400ICS], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, October 2nd, 1917 1917-10-02
[X400JAJ], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, April 3rd, 1918 1918-04-03
[X400JAK], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, April 4th, 1918 1918-04-04
[X400JBJ], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, May 1918 1918-05-00
[X400JBW], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, May 24th, 1918 1918-05-24
[X400JBX], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, May 25th, 1918 1918-05-25
[X400JEU], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, September 9th, 1918 1918-09-09
[X400JFD], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Madeleine Edison, November 21st, 1918 1918-11-21
[X400PBD], Letter from Madeleine Edison to John Eyre Sloane, March 25th, 1926 1926-03-25
[X453W1F], Obituary, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, August 25th, 1947 1947-08-25
[X455GAL], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Theodore Miller Edison, March 7th, 1918 1918-03-07
[X456GB], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Theodore Miller Edison, February 19th, 1931 1931-02-19
[X456HEK], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Theodore Miller Edison, Ann Osterhout (Mrs Theodore M.) Edison, September 4th, 1940 1940-09-04
[X463A], Letter from Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison to Elizabeth Miller, June 29th, 1943 1943-06-29
[X469CN], Letter from John Vincent Miller to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, December 1917 1917-12-00
[X480AC], Letter from Theodore Westwood Miller to Mary Valinda (Mrs Lewis) Miller, July 7th, 1898 1898-07-07
[X501D12], Publication, Charles Edison, War Committee of 200, May 2nd, 1918 1918-05-02
[X501D13], Letter from Red Cross Rally (1918) to War Committee of 200, May 9th, 1918 1918-05-09
[X501D14], Publication, John Vincent Miller, May 13th, 1918 1918-05-13
[X501D17], Letter from Norman Graves Reinicker to John Vincent Miller, July 15th, 1918 1918-07-15