Rights is exactly
Daniel M Del Bagno After the images were scanned, this pamphlet was donated to the Thomas Edison National Historical Park, West Orange, NJ
[X511A], Report from Cass Gilbert, American Concrete Institute, Richard Lewis Humphrey, Egbert Jessup Moore, William H Ham, August 1915
1915-08-00 -
[X511B], Report from Rudolph James Wig, August 1915
1915-08-00 -
[X511C], Report from Theodore Lincoln Condron, August 1915
1915-08-00 -
[X511D], Report from Nathan Clarke Johnson, August 1915
1915-08-00 -
[X511E], Report from Emile George Perrot, Edward Dayton Boyer, Arthur Newell Talbot, Nathan Clarke Johnson, Richard Lewis Humphrey, Theodore Lincoln Condron, August 1915