Creator is exactly
Blake, Herbert E
[E1469GZ], Letter from Blake and Burkart, Herbert E Blake to Thomas Alva Edison, October 1st, 1914 1914-10-01
[E1469HS], Letter from Blake and Burkart, Herbert E Blake to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, November 3rd, 1914 1914-11-03
[E1565DW], Letter from Herbert E Blake, Blake and Burkart to Thomas Alva Edison, March 18th, 1915 1915-03-18
[E1565JI], Letter from Herbert E Blake, Blake and Burkart to Albert C Ireton, June 15th, 1915 1915-06-15
[E1565JL], Letter from Herbert E Blake, Blake and Burkart to Albert C Ireton, June 17th, 1915 1915-06-17
[E1565KB], Letter from Herbert E Blake, Blake and Burkart to Thomas Alva Edison, June 29th, 1915 1915-06-29
[E1770BS], Letter from Blake and Burkart, Herbert E Blake to William Maxwell, February 24th, 1917 1917-02-24